LEE MCKINNEY - Infinite Mind

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Lee McKinney // Infinite Mind // OUT NOW

The expansive solo release from Born of Osiris guitarist, Lee McKinney.



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Song Structure for: Lee Mckinney - İnfinite Mind:
0:00 - 0:28 İntro ( Reversed sound samples with strange beats)
0:28 - 0:55 Chorus
0:55 - 1:09 Verse1 (Delayed clean arpeggios)
1:09 - 1:23 Verse2
1:23 - 1:25 Pre Chorus (İmitated chorus melody)
1:25 - 1:50 Chorus
1:50 - 2:17 Bridge
2:17 - 2:31 Pre Chorus2 (İmitated chorus melody with rhytm guitar)
2:31 - 2:59 Chorus
2:59 - 3:24 Outro (Rhytms from Pre chorus2 section and added minor piano lines)


I think 6, 000 of the views are from me lol. Love this song


This is just sounds completely pure ❤🌟 thanks Lee!!!!


Best stuff he's written since Recreate


vraiment, j'adore, ça déchire!!!!


Angel Vivaldi's vibes are strong in this one. absolutely awesome!


This is exactly what I was looking for, just right. Brilliant, just more of this please.


I wish Lee and Jesse Cash of ERRA would do a collab. I’d love to hear them trade/harmonize riffs and Jesse sing.


All is mind.  There is nothing but mind.  The mind is infinite, creative and eternal. The mind never shuts off, even in sleep and at death.  You can not experience non-existence.  Try it.  Imagine it, if you will. You will still exist while you perform this experiment.

You are eternal always, but you experience yourself through the finite which is neither a mirror nor a projection, by the way. The finite is a boundary.  A hard fast boundary. The finite is a subset within the infinite in which contrast and choice create boundaries. You do not stuff the infinite into the finite.  The finite is an experience inside of the mind. The eternal at play. Playing with contrast by placing boundaries and applying meanings.

You can even create a game inside of your mind in which you imagine that you are outside of your mind. You then experience life happening to you.  Things which are separate from you. Meaning is thrust upon you.  You believe that you have fallen and you must pay a karmic debt.  That you are a soul, or perhaps a spirit which is forced to learn lessons and grow through struggle.  You can even believe that you are unworthy.

Yet, you have enormous value.  You possess a certificate of authentication, as all things of value do as well.  Your unique thumbprint and DNA sequence is your certificate of authenticity.  You are a one of a kind and priceless. Your natural authentic self. Feel that.

All that is experienced is imagined from care.  You were made from care. And it is care which holds you in focus for the purpose of experiencing this timebound meaningful experience in a finite world inside of your mind.

If you don't mind then it don't matter.  But if you care, and it matters much to you, then it will become an experience in matter.  It is this care that is the force that shapes your world.  If you care.  If someone cares for you.  

If you want to experience peace, create a boundary for peace inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of peace, give it space, allow it to just be.  Care about peace.

If you want to experience abundance, create a boundary for abundance inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of abundance, give it space, allow it to just be.  Care about abundance.

If you want to experience a healthy body, create a boundary for health inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of vibrant health, give it space, allow it to be.  Care about abundance.

If you want to experience care, create a boundary for care inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of great care, give it space, allow it to be


I saw them in concert yesterday...Wow.


Downloading and adding vocals, might upload....


These are not the droids your looking for✋
