Was the Bible Written by God or Men?

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It was written by men's Hand but God's Words, God talked to his people


Michael, just a quick note to say sincerely that your books and writings and Messianic-debates and broadcasts and ministry have been a tremendous blessing to me and many others in the Body of Messiah. The Lord Yeshuah continue to bless and anoint you more & more.


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16 KJV

Carefully dictated Word for Word by canonized thru men.


Dr. Brown: ¿Just who wrote 2 Timothy 3:16? It is attributed to the Apostle Paul.
That means that all claims made in that book are made by Paul.
Likewise, all claims made in the Bible or about the Bible were/are made by the writer or speaker of the claim.
All interpretations of the Bible were/are made by the fallible human making the claim.


Finally someone can explain this question 😊 ty ❤


I’m not buying your theory, even if it was inspired by God it’s still came out with human emotion therefore could’ve been altered in some ways. Man wrote the Bible!


Thank you Dr. Brown for that excellent analogy.


The hard thing for me is using Scripture to defend the inspiration of Scripture. If someone doesn't believe that God spoke out the Bible to the authors, how can I use that Timothy verse to justify it? For instance, I could say "trust me, I'm always right" and then pull out a notepad where I had written "everything I say is right" a few days before. I believe Scripture is true, but if someone doesn't then you can't use Scripture to prove that it is


2 Timothy 3:16 is sung by the Rizers and my kids love it!! Great way to memorize verses! As soon as you said it I sang it! 😄


And how do you know that? Cause some guy In a toga, from back in a time when 2% could read or write, told you so.


How did God tell the men to write the Bible???


Do you believe the men who wrote it was perfectly led by the Holy Spirit or can they miss it like us


So let me ask you about the video with eliyahu Ellison in the Torah codes on YouTube what is your opinion


Who wrote the Bible, God or men? I believe that God wrote the Bible by means of men, like the vine bears fruit by means of the branches. See John 15:1-8
Best wishes to all.


Mark 16:18 Dr Brown. It's in the KJV Bible. Is it God's word or Man's word?


God didnt write the Bible. The creator didnt inspire anyone to remove His name from scripture, The creator didnt tell us that man will die for his own sin and send someone to die for them. The creator did not say, I am not man that I should lie and I will share my glory with no one and then share his glory with one called by a name created just over 4 hundred yrs ago. We might have some truth in the bible, but the creator of man kind didnt write it. It was inspired by those who had an agenda and in order to make it sound legit, said, GOD said it.


It all goes back to fellowship, God is a relational God. He does what is impossible for man, but he also asks us to do all that we are able to do. God planted a garden, but he had Adam take care of it, because it was within the abilities God gave him to accomplish that. Man couldn't create himself, so God did( but then he gave them the ability to reproduce, so they did). Man couldn't flood the world, so God did (but man could build a boat, so man did). Man could write down what God spoke, so God let man do that. We are expected to do everthing we can to the best of our abilities, and God steps in to do the things we can't do, not the things we won't do.

The Bible wasn't written at one time, it was written by many men writting about the times they were living in and what God was doing at the time. If God would have written everything ahead of time, then man probably would have choose not to follow the historical events. If God would have written it all after Christ, there would be no Jewish nation for Christ to be born into. So we are left exactly as God had planed it. Each writer, inspired by the Spirit of God, wrote the events they lived, in the times they lived in.


More Christian excuses for the Bible's ambiguity and contradictions. Just once, I'd like to see God definitively reveal himself to the modern world without the stained glass filter of the Bible. JUST ONCE!


But when Paul wrote 2 Timothy (or other letters), the Bible didn't exist as we know it, so how do we know which scripture is or isn't inspired ? Be wise when you use that kind of quote from the Bible, thanks. Be blessed !


With one scripture, which was obviously written by a man, we can rest assured that _all_ scripture is breathed by God? Are we aware of where the bible came from? That there were literally thousands of texts that were included in the pool from which only a few were selected? So the men who were doing the weeding were inspired too?

I like what Rumi said: "Silence is the language of God. Everything else is poor translation."
