TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers

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Following DETR's approach for object detection using transformers, TrackFormer employs them for multi-object tracking given an input video. This has the potential to be beneficial in surveillance, autonomous vehicles, sports analysis, and other applications. In this YouTube video, I present how DETR detects objects and how TrackFormer extends the idea for the task of multi-object tracking.
Table of Content:
00:00 Introduction
00:15 Previous Attempts
02:17 DETR
08:07 TrackFormer
13:47 Bipartite Matching
21:51 Set Prediction Loss
23:31 Track Augmentation
26:39 Result
Table of Content:
00:00 Introduction
00:15 Previous Attempts
02:17 DETR
08:07 TrackFormer
13:47 Bipartite Matching
21:51 Set Prediction Loss
23:31 Track Augmentation
26:39 Result
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