Week 4 - live Java - Methods and Access Modifiers

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The topics of this weeks are things we have seen already, but we didn’t look at how these were working exactly. We’ll be having a look at methods and access modifiers.

- Methods
- Access modifiers

- Methods
- Access modifiers

If you have any questions about the content, please write them under the corresponding Youtube video. The questions that are asked most will be discussed in the Saturday session. You can also ask your direct team members and the other participants. Please help each other as much as possible, if you see a question you know the answer too, please answer 😊 We’re doing this together!

- Continue working from last week’s project
- Write a method in Game that decide what team is winning the game and store that in score
- Write a method in Round that randomly assigns teams to games and plays the game (calls the method you wrote in Game)
- Write a method in Tournament that runs all the rounds and gives the winners of a certain round as input for the next round
Рекомендации по теме

Hi, I have a question about the home work assignment. The totalGoals variable contains 12 goals. This means that the score.pointsForHomeTeam contains both the s1 and s2, so 8 goals, and the pointsForOutTeam contains s1 and s2, so 4 goals. What do I need to change if I want to print only the s1.pointsForHomeTeam?
