Johny Unboxes New Wooden Polar Express Train Toy & Builds Giant Wooden Track Layout

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Hi guys! In This video Johny unboxes a brand NEW wooden Polar Express toy train. This wooden polar express train set includes 3 train cars including the Polar express engine, hopper car, and passenger car. Johny also builds a huge wooden track train layout with Brio wooden tracks and pieces for the polar express. We also play with our Lionel polar express train and our lego polar express train. Johny uses some of our Munipals MTA subway trains like the staten island subway, long Island railroad and metro north wooden trains on his wooden train track along the new polar express train toy.
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DIY Ice scream truck in real life
DIY mr softee ice cream truck in real life
Watch our MTA subway train wooden toy trains
Watch Johny's full MTA subway train toys and mta bus toys collection with munipals mta trains
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DIY Ice scream truck in real life
DIY mr softee ice cream truck in real life
Watch our MTA subway train wooden toy trains
Watch Johny's full MTA subway train toys and mta bus toys collection with munipals mta trains