Y Tri Mochyn Bach (The Three Little Pigs) | Welsh Stories for Kids

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"The Three Little Pigs" is a fictional story about three pigs who build three houses of different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs' houses, which are made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig's house, whose house is made of bricks.

Teachers can use our Three Little Pigs story video to guide children through this classic story. You can play the video in its entirety and ask pupils to read along, or encourage them to read aloud at their own pace.

Additionally, parents or guardians can use this video as a bedtime story, which children can read or listen to before sleep.

Mae "Y Tri Mochyn Bach" yn stori ffuglen am dri mochyn sy'n adeiladu tri thŷ o ddeunyddiau gwahanol. Mae Blaidd Mawr Ddrwg yn chwythu'r ddau dŷ mochyn cyntaf i'r llawr, sydd wedi'u gwneud o wellt a ffyn, ond nid yw'n gallu chwalu tŷ'r trydydd mochyn: y mae ei dŷ ef wedi'i wneud o frics.

Gall athrawon ddefnyddio ein fideo stori Tri Mochyn Bach i arwain plant drwy'r stori glasurol hon. Gallwch chwarae’r fideo yn ei gyfanrwydd a gofyn i’r disgyblion ddarllen ymlaen, neu eu hannog i ddarllen yn uchel ar eu cyflymder eu hunain.

Yn ogystal, gall rhieni neu warcheidwaid ddefnyddio'r fideo hwn fel stori amser gwely, ble y gall plant darllen neu wrando arni cyn cysgu.

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