8 WWE Wrestlers You Wouldn't Recognize Today

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When we talk about wrestling icons, our minds immediately conjure images of strength, invincibility, and eternal glory. But what happens when the ring lights go out and the glamour fades away? In this video, we'll explore eight shocking examples—cases where glorious memories can be shattered when confronted with the harsh realities of today. And listen closely: this video is not meant to mock anyone; the aim here is to show how this world can be brutal and merciless, taking far more than it gives.

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Here's a concise version of the stories in English:

Scotty Riggs: In the '90s, Scotty Riggs was known for his role in the "American Males" tag team in WCW with Buff Bagwell. After the duo's success faded, Riggs struggled to maintain his career and moved to the independent circuit. By 2014, his appearance had significantly changed, showing the effects of time and life outside the spotlight.

Marty Jannetty: As one half of "The Rockers" with Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty was once a prominent figure in wrestling. However, his career suffered due to personal issues and lack of professionalism. In recent years, Jannetty has faced health problems and struggles with addiction but is attempting a comeback in the independent scene.

Raven (Scott Levy): Raven gained fame for his dark and complex persona in ECW. Despite his impact on wrestling, the physical and emotional toll of his career became evident over time. Now in his 50s, Raven's appearance reflects the harsh realities of life after wrestling, though his legacy remains respected.

Dan Spivey: Dan Spivey had notable moments in WWE and NWA, including forming The Skyscrapers with The Undertaker. However, his health deteriorated, and in 2007 he faced legal troubles and a significant decline in his appearance, reflecting the physical cost of his wrestling career.

Scott Hall: Scott Hall, famous for his Razor Ramon character and role in the nWo, faced severe personal challenges, including PTSD from a traumatic event and struggles with substance abuse. After hitting rock bottom, he sought help and made significant progress in his recovery with the assistance of Diamond Dallas Page.

Lex Luger: Known for his impressive physique and wrestling career, Lex Luger's life took a dramatic turn after a severe motorcycle accident in 2007 left him paralyzed from the neck down. Although he later regained some mobility, the accident and steroid use took a heavy toll on his body.

The Dynamite Kid: The Dynamite Kid was influential in wrestling with his technical skill and work in The British Bulldogs. However, his career was marred by substance abuse and a difficult personality. His physical condition deteriorated over time, leading to serious mobility issues and health problems.

Hulk Hogan: Hulk Hogan, a wrestling icon known for his larger-than-life persona, saw his physique change drastically after back surgery in 2009. His once-imposing presence became frail, and now, at 71, he faces the challenges of aging while still being a significant figure in wrestling history.
Рекомендации по теме

Used to be a Hulkamaniac back in the late 80's/Early 90s. As I aged and learned more about him as a man, I didn't care for him much at all.
However, this man has laid his body on the line for Wrestling fans. I hope to look as good as him at 71. Geez, i hope to be standing upright at that age.
Father Time doesnt care WHO you are, hes coming for all of us.
Why not give him some props for almost 50 years of putting his body on the line for the fans? It's amazing to me that he can even walk let alone still stand up. My God, Hulkster is 71. I'm feeling Hella old now.


What should wrestlers do First before becoming a pro wrestler?
A) Training
B) Indie wrestling


02:19 - There is a story to the three pics of Scotty Rigs, I saw a few months ago on YouTube. DDP called him and persuaded him to come see him. Scotty later admitted, he was in his car when he got the call, ready to end his life. I don´t know why and how, he lost his teeth, but it seems it had broken his will to continue. The last picture was taken after he lived in DDPs house for a few months, and with a good friend of his, who is a dentist and helped out, you see Scotty in shape again and a smiling on the last pic. (I wrote it that way to avoid any ad for DDPs program, but I admire this guy for saving/prolonging some lifes of former wrestlers by now.)


Ginger Man now Undertaker, i didn't know abt this


Barry Windham & Dan Spivey Don't Even Look A Like To Be Confused For One Another.


I really think this poster needs to stop drinking!


The Tyler Reks one was the craziest and wildest one ngl... i had to play the video 3 times just to make sure
