How to connect an Arduino to a PC running visual mediapipe in the V1 DexHand

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A quick look at a simplified method to connect an Arduino to a PC.

In the original build the data from the PC was streamed wirelessly using a Zigbee serial replacement set up.

To get people started more quickly, a new version of the Arduino code: Hand_12b is now available that uses the built in USB connection on the Arduino:

The disadvantage of this is that serial debug messages are not provided at the moment in the Python code that runs the visual mediapipe code - if someone wants to add it please feel free!

To access debug messages add an extra serial connection on port 3, pins 14 and 15 on the arduino 2560 mega. This can be a USB to serial adaptor cable or a wireless system like a Zigbee.

Serial adaptor cables are simpler and cheaper and commonly come with an FTDi or CH340 chipset.

On the mega Pin 14 is TxD connects to Yellow (FTDI) or White (CH340)
Pin 15 is RxD connects to Orange (FTDI) or Green (CH340)

For both types Red connects to +5v
Black connects to Ground
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I'm currently in the printing stage of the hand, I have watched every single vid of the series I'm expected to finish it in about two months, thank you for the very well explained videos you have made, I'm still impressed not many people have replicated it by now this is a great project!


I am early this time. Thanks you are really teaching the beginners 👍👍👍👍


I can't find python code for this project, can you help with the link


Can I have the completed name of this Arduino card ? There are lots of types on the Internet.


Hello sir can you give me design in stl formet I am also working on a robotic project from
