Les colons de la Cisjordanie occupée

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D'Algérie à Paris, de Tel-Aviv à Hébron, Pinhas Attali est passé de militant du mouvement nationaliste juif à Paris, à chef d'un groupe terroriste en France, à soldat israélien, puis à chef d'entreprise.
Aujourd'hui, à 57 ans, il estime mener une mission divine : la colonisation de la Cisjordanie. Il est désormais devenu une personnalité connue et respectée. Il vit près d'Hébron, dans la colonie juive de Kyriat Arba. Avec sa femme Sarah, il élève ses neuf enfants. Pinhas Attali se définit comme un combattant. Depuis son adolescence, il est entraîné dans une spirale de violence, celle du juif du XXe siècle.

Personnage historique, il est à la fois victime et antagoniste, héros pour les uns, terroriste et occupant pour les autres ; son parcours nous offre une perspective unique sur le radicalisme juif et la colonisation. Son histoire est étroitement liée à celle d’Israël : absence de paix, guerre latente et explosions de violence.

Producteur : CAT&CIE
Réalisateur : Stéphane Girard
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He is from a family who said that Algeria is French, so his parents was French settlers in Algeria. Once a thief, always a thief.


How can you expect to live in a land, to steal land from the others and to expect that there will be no revenge or attack..


Insanity itself. So what if million years ago a story about Abraham refers to a purchase of a piece of land? This is a story and not history


"If i don't steal it, someone else will steal it" - Jacob from NYC


It makes me sick to watch this person going about as a squatter on stolen land .. & behave worse than Mafia members without morals. 54:45 Their citizen army doesn't take all, only the most psychotic among them. The Europeans had the right idea to expel them from their lands, but it was wrong to force them onto the Palestinians who were the innocent victims of the European mess. The Americans love them so much, give them their own State in the USA.


5 minutes into it and I couldn't stomch listening a French guy saying that some man of 3, 000 years ago, which there's no evidence of if it's existence except for a religious book that was written in 200 BC, brought the land, blah, blah and that gives him the right over the natives of the land. Is this people truly for real? Well, the Germanic tribe of the Vandals, moved from Germany to what is today Spain and then moved on to Tunisia and that was in the year 429 AD, real historic event, their king was Gaiseric. Would that mean that their descendants have the right to go back to Germany and occupy the ancestral land? Give me a break, the real world is not hollywood.


Des hommes qui passent leur vie le derrière sur une chaise à relire et recommenter des textes qui n’ont plus rien à révéler, et pour cause, pendant que d’autres triment pour les faire vivre….qui ? Leurs femmes ? Qui ? Cela m’ à toujours interrogé. Les croyances sont respectables, mais les professionnels qui en vivent….?… cela pour toutes les religions, entretenant la méfiance ou la haine les uns pour les autres….Pape, muezzin, Rabin, mêmes combats.


Como se pueden vasar en lo que se hizo hace 4000 años!!!


Since Jesus was born in Bethlehem, all Christians have the right to claim the land of Palestine as theirs, why not? 😂


"They will always tell you what happened to them, but they'll never tell you why" 109 countries can't be wrong 😉


In the Middle East if you give up land you are seen as weak, that is a fact


What to do with these criminals? How should the world teach them a lesson they and their leaders can not forget? Never!


Porque siempre son víctimas???se Les acabo el crédito


I have lost my respect for the Jews. I haven't even watched the full video...whatever it has been said WILL never, NEVER justify what you're doing. And it will remain as a stain in the History and in front of the Lord.


Best Dokumentary, merci pour cet éclairage .


Essa "Terra Santa " é o lugar com a maior concentração de psicopatas por metro habitado. Nunca que iria visitar esse manicômio.


At first I was for Israel, but when I researched the settlers and their supporters, I saw this: Both sides are maniacs. The problem is that one of these maniacs is heavily backed by the most powerful countries in the world.


"There's no place like someone else's home" - An Israeli doormat


Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will support you with My right hand.


He has no shame that is shame in itself you know back in the day NO MATTER YOUR RELIGION if you are a Muslim Jew or a Christian they ALL lived in peace with each other and helped each other smh Your parents are not good examples sorry too you
