Ask Prof Wolff: Fascism, Keynesianism, and Military Spending

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A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "As we see billions once more go to Ukraine, as we have seen trillions upon trillions go to wars since WWII, isn't it correct to say that Military-Keynesianism is fascism? Technocratic fascism? If so, why? And if not, why not? A Boeing factory in every state, not to mention other military contractors that pay off the coin-operated politicians signifies fascist to me."

This is Professor Richard Wolff's video response.


“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”

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I would have studied economics if prof Wolfe was my teacher. Another great post prof.


I'm 78 and as far as I'm concerned we are there when it comes to the corporations having an iron clad grip on our elected officials in both parties. Nothing passes that doesn't favor the corporations over the needs and wants of the people.


Thank you dear professor I hope this evil passes soon it is unbearable!.


HEADED TOWARD fascism?! Shit, we've been there since they killed JFK!


Bravo for taking on this issue. It needs to be talked about.


Thanks Professor Richard Wolff for such valuable information


Pre-fascism is also not bearable. Not sure when enough will be enough for the masses here in the USofA.


Como siempre Richard a el punto MUCHAS GRACIAS


Prof Wolff, I have to correct you on this. Keynesian economics suggests that government spending could be used to "flatten out the business cycle". Yes, it states that you can increase spending in bad times, but it also states that you should decrease spending in good times. What you just described is Milton Friedman's bastardized version; Reaganomics. Increase spending and keep increasing spending while decreasing social spending and infrastructure spending when necessary to perpetuate the rouge/grift. Reagan and his military industrial complex successfully keep pushing the duration of war profiteering out into the future. The problems with Reaganomics are numerous, but increasing the ability to finance perpetual wars is perhaps one of the biggest problems. Reaganomics used a combination of deficit spending and supply side economic theory to place the financial burden on the working class creating a slave class by indenturing our children and eventually great great great grand children.

The victor gets to write history. What better way to deflect criticism than to blame Keynesian economics for Reaganomics. I think you got roped in by a leading question. Or should I say a misleading question. Keynesian economics gets blamed by the right for ALL government deficit spending. The way you are stating it is a half truth. The whole truth is that without decreasing spending during the booms we are not using Keynesian economic theory at all. Give Reaganomics credit where credit is due.


1. I receive your emails, and read and share them. 2. I set up 3 different FB groups where I share your videos. 3. I will order your books on Amazon next month. I would like to attend meetings, etc but I'm up here in Montreal.


The roots of fascism can be found in European colonialism of Africa; concentration camps, mass killings etc. It is a bit insincere to talk about American fascism without mentioning its foreign policy. As far as the American corporate elite (who basically owns the state) can bribe an average American people will think that there is no fascism in USA. But how American troops treat indigenous people all around the world is something else. People could try to change the American political situation and immediately they would discover what fascism really is.


Who said, " you can't fit a cigarette paper between government and business"
The us wrote the manual of fascism.


Just an idea for this channel. I hope you guys cover the recent tech layoffs to get their sympathy to your cause.


The current system has nothing to do with democracy, search for 'Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens', it's a study by Princeton university that shows the government in the US and I'd suggest most Western/capitalist countries is essentially the same. There are also videos that condense it and make it easier to understand like 'Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think'. Corporatism, plutocracy, kakistocracy, fascism, neo-feudalism, all just variations on a theme.


Seria interesante abordar las relaciones entre capitalismo, imperialismo y fascismo.

Asi como refutar la falacia de neoliberales y "libertarios" que afirman que el nazismo era "socialismo". Un trabajo acerca del tema es el del belga Pauwels: "Hitler y los empresarios".


''If we do not fight it Totalitarism can triumph in any country in any Orwell


"when government does stuff..."


Fascism was Italy in 20's to 40's . We don't have a Mussolini unless Biden changes for the worst


Does anyone know if Prof. Wolfe has yet to apologize, or at least comment on his prior stance on Covid vaccinations and boosters? Has he followed up, as things are different now? Thanks.


Corporatism is the melding of government and business in Fascism.
