From $0 to your First $100 in 30 days (Play the Game - Don't be an NPC!!)

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Making money online is simple and if you understand that it’s a game, its so much more fun! And winning, earning money from your online work, makes the win that much more rewarding! Trust me, I’ve been there and when I experienced this mental shift, it was, quite literally, a game changer!

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Work has always been very serious business but I’m going to teach you the Great YouTube Game where we trade in outdated business models like negative sum games for newer, fresher modern strategies for creating positive sum revenue streams and, just like a game, there are different levels for you to build up your empire.

What most people don’t realise is that the great youtube game is a positive sum game, what this means is that if I win you win. We can grow and make money together.

Now, Let’s learn the rules so that we can play and win together!

- There are Two Kinds of Players in Life: Consumers and Producers

Consumers these are NPC - Non Player Characters

Producers these are the people that step up and decide to play to win, I am going to show you how you can transform from a consumer to a producer

The wise words of Ted Turner

- a media entrepreneur who built his empire by turning a struggling TV station in the 70’s into one of the first truly independent and profitable stations in the whole of the United States in just three years.

How the Game Works
The Old way of doing business , for me to win you must lose - this is a negative sum game and leads people to believe that for them to become successful, someone else must suffer.

This is such a limited way of thinking

The new way of doing business is a Positive sum game. If you do well then what used to be called ‘competitors’ can also do well. If more people watch my youtube video then other creators in my space will get more views as suggested videos next to mine.

Win-win - we can grow together.

You need to make this shift in your thinking to understand that we are all working together and we can collaborate and benefit from each other as we grow together.

This is the new Digital Economy

Let's look at the big picture of the digital economy

Humans have a desire or need they want to fulfil

Where is most of their attention?

It's on their phone in the form of social media

Creators then capture this attention and direct it towards products that attend to the Desire of the people

This is how money is made

Now let me share with you a simplified version of the first 10 levels of the great YouTube game

This Video from Karl Bro is about The Great YouTube Game
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Great advice Karl! A sales conference in 12 mins! Well done 👏


What a great collaborative new way of doing business! Looking forward to learning the details in the course!


Interesting approach sure it works successfully 🎉
