PLINEGEN Autocad, Polyline Autocad, LineType, LineStyle Autocad,Polyline generation, Linetype change
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How to control the generation of Linetypes for polyline?
This feature is controlled by PLINEGEN system variable.
It controls the generation of LineStyles around the vertices of PolyLines.
By default its value is 0.
When the value is 0, It generates linetypes that start and end in a dash at each vertex of the polyline
When the value is 1, It generates linetypes in a continous pattern through the vertices of the polyline.
Note: The changing this value does not affect on existing polylines.
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This feature is controlled by PLINEGEN system variable.
It controls the generation of LineStyles around the vertices of PolyLines.
By default its value is 0.
When the value is 0, It generates linetypes that start and end in a dash at each vertex of the polyline
When the value is 1, It generates linetypes in a continous pattern through the vertices of the polyline.
Note: The changing this value does not affect on existing polylines.
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linetype autocad
linestyle autocad
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