Listening for Black Holes in a Quiet Universe | Guido Muller | TEDxUF

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Dr. Muller cleverly describes his collaboration with scientists from around the world to design the world's first way of measuring gravitational waves. Literally making astrophysics digestible, this talk demonstrates the power of scientific innovation.

Physics Professor Dr. Guido Mueller is a 20 year member of the LIGO scientific collaboration which made headlines last year when they announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves. The UF LIGO group participated in the design and construction of these detectors. Dr. Mueller’s group provided the largest optical system for LIGO. He also serves on NASA study teams to develop LISA, a future space-based gravitational wave observatory. In his spare time, he likes to walk his dog with his family and play soccer.

Рекомендации по теме

Great presentation. I have a hundred questions. Can we talk sometime? I am in Gainesville.
