The Consequences of Impatience | Timeless Truths – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Patience affects every single area of our lives from our relationships to our finances and even our occupations.

In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches that many things such as pride, doubt, anger, insensitivity, weakness, selfishness, rebellion, fear, and shortsightedness lead to impatience. All these things leave us worried and stressed, resulting in sorrow, broken relationships, and guilt—among other things.

While we might not say it with our mouths, our impatience says:

- I do not trust God’s time; my time’s better.
- I’m not willing to wait for God’s resources.
- I know what’s important better than God.
- I want my way more than His will.
- I am more concerned about my feelings than my future.
- Life revolves around me.
- I’m not concerned about the impact of my time demands on others.

When you and I choose to get what we want according to our schedule instead of His, we’re going to make horrible messes of our lives. The saddest part is that we can’t ever go back. We have to learn to live with the consequences because that time can never be recovered.

If you learn to obey God and wait on Him, you won’t have to be afraid of losing anything the Lord has planned for you. Every moment can be a part of a great, fruitful life.

This sermon is the second in the series The Power of Patience, which includes:

1. The Powerful Attribute of Patience
2. The Consequences of Impatience
3. Expressing Patience
4. Developing Patience
5. The Rewards of Patience
6. The Patience of God

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You are not reading this by mistake. God has a purpose for your life...and he will surely fulfill it, so those times when you pray, please pray in the spirit, believe that God got you...Amen.


Waiting is not easy BUT when we call upon our Heavenly FATHER, HE gives us the strength to wait patiently. To GOD Be The Glory!!!


Every time Mr. Stanley preaches I feel like he's sitting right beside me and just talking to me.


Time, and time again throughout my life. I’ve been impatient, and went ahead of God’s timing, and paid the price for it.

Jesus is the lord. I’m gonna get myself together, be obedient, and walk with him more. You all have a blessed weekend 👍


Please pray for me, firefighting & saving lives took a troll on my spine resulting in multiple spine surgeries causing chronic pain 24/7 ! I need a miracle


I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. Thank you Jesus.


My God! My spirit is SO convicted! Familiar spirits come heavy during these times so sometimes the voices are confusing. I went on a fast and My answer came clear as day! This is a season of rest for many of us. God is prepping us for destiny. Stay strong friends


I just want to thank In Touch Ministries for uploading these videos. Such a blessing to my life! Praise the Lord for Pastor Charles!


This message is meant for me alone. It spoke directly to me. I went ahead of God and failed woefully. I am still trying to pick up my pieces.
God bless you Pastor!


Charles Stanley is a great example of a man of God. It inpires me to continue to grow spiritually further.


Pastor Stanley is surely a man of God. We are all guilty of this impatience, may the Lord be merciful and correct us before it is too late. God Bless.


I was indeed impatient, was asking for a husband before am27yrs .but now no more being impatient I will wait on the LORD for in his time everything will be possible.for now I should continue taking care of my lovely siblings and mother 🙏🙏🙏.


God is so patient with us.

I have learned that when I don't wait on God, I am the one who misses out and disappoint my Father.

I'm not comfortable, but I'm waiting on God 🙏🏾❣️


Please pray for my husband to accept Jesus. He's name is Kevin


I am so guilty Lord please help me wait on You for you will in my life please Jesus I know you are my hope please open the right door for are new place to call home 🏡 we need a miracle


Perfect timing my Lord. There’s a fork in the road. Amen for the warning. Preparing me for what he has promised amen


Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


Obedience to God. Thank you Pastor Stanley. ❤


2nd CHRONICLES 7:14: If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves, and PRAY and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal/RESTORE their land., , .., , , .


i Hope everyone has a blessed and beautiful sunday. 💚🙏💚
