Arkansas Postgame Elite 8 presser vs. Duke

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Arkansas Postgame Elite 8 presser vs. Duke
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Beating Coach K in the NCAA tournament is tough. In the final game of the 94 Tournament, we had the perfect team. A multitude of weapons and no weaknesses. Coach K still found some, and gave us the hardest game of that season. He’s hard to beat in the NCAA tournament. I predict for the second year in a row, we will have lost to the National Champion.


Thank you for a fantastic year!! Congratulations on your amazing season!! So proud of you guys!! WPS!!


So proud of this team and the coaches. Making it to the Elite 8 is an accomplishment and you guys need to hold your heads up.
Tonight, talent and height prevailed. I hope coach goes after some forwards and gets us a little more height in the future. Toney and Wade gave it their best and fought all year long.
Again, proud of this team! Go Hogs!


As a. Duke fan so much respect for the hogs pesky team.


This team, these young men, played with so much heart and grit. They will go down as one of the greatest in school history. Thank you, gentlemen for an amazing season. WOO PIG SOOIE!


Very proud f these young men. U have had an amazing yr.


When we lost 3 in a row to start SEC play I didn't think we would even make the tournament or finish above .500 in conference. Great turn around and we were beat by a Duke team that shot lights out and like coach said will probably win it all, especially if they play like they did tonight. Williams comes back next season as we have a lot of new talent coming in but we need his height and inside presence.


Proud of this team no matter what. Dukes has more talent and body mass. Great run 2x elete 8


Really a great run. Especially with all the adversity. As a fan, I admit I thought there was no way this was even a tournament team in January. So thanks for a great journey. This turned out to be one of my favorite teams. Probably my favorite.


We need a couple more bigs with this incoming class


If JWill, Notae and Toney return, they will be ideal as "on the court tutors" for Nick Smith and Jordan Walsh, probsble replacements for Wade and Umude. Add Devo, KJ and Darian Ford to the mix and a national title comes within sight. This team overachieved! Musses first two teams overachieved! How quickly the new guys get the system is always a question, but with the old guys hanging around two things will happen: Their draft stocks will rise. The newcomers will experience less pressure. It adds up to a national title run, not to mention a conference championship.


Lets be Clear:
Refs missed 7 calls in 11min.
-11:05 Toney #5 AR called foul for reaching in( I do think this was a little too much hand but refs had not been so in point...
10:27- Ball called out on Notae even though #1 Of Duke tipped the ball from behind.
7:27- AR #1 toney called for fouling Duke #21 (shooting of course) - NOt a FOUL
6:16-looks like Duke stepped out of call
5:13- tricky..AR Williams get a Foul after Duke #3 uses his left hand/arm to pull Williams to him for a foul.(that why williams kept telling Refs he was hugging me)-no review
Score: 26. 31
4:57-Notae get a called foul after TIPPIng ball from Duke #0
4:45- Wade gets fouled by Duke #3-no call rebounds gets fouled again by Duke call
2:55- Duke #1 shld have been called for an offensive Foul after almost pushing Notae to the FlooriNg -No
Duke Fans will say that refs missed calls on both ends but I reviewed film for both sides. Duke played extremely well...but its very frustrating to have those kinds of calls put ur best players outt..Even Notae's 5th foul😡 so ridiculous. That gap gave Duke that advantage after the half to build on. I like coach K but thats just not right to do our boys that way.


Good job guy I stopped watching after the 1st 20mins I seen how the refs was calling the game and know what was up
