Potty Training your Chihuahua 100% Fool Proof Method | Sweetie Pie Pets by Kelly Swift

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Potty train your chihuahua 100% fool proof:

Step one: Buy 2 small wire crates — one of them must be the kind with the removable trays underneath. You can find them at most pet stores, or you can order the same crate using the link in the description below.

Step two: Buy large underpads. The underpads found in pet stores are too small and won’t do the trick. You will need to get bigger ones that are larger than the crate itself. Again, I have them available using my link below.

Step three: Lay one large potty pad on the floor in the exact spot you want your puppy to use for the rest of her life (hint, if you eventually want your puppy to learn to go outside, it’s best to put it right in front of the back door). Put the tray-less crate on top of the potty pad. The weight of the crate solves the problem of the puppies playing tug of war with the pad.

Step four: Put your custom made awesome Sweetie Pie Pet’s bed inside the crate WITH the hard bottom, then with both crate doors open, put the crates face to face with each other. Put the food and water bowl inside.

Step five: Add your puppies to the crate!

Step six, Consider these 2 crates her permanent residence for now. She should sleep in there, and live in there when you are not home. Only let her out of the crate when you are specifically interacting her. Chihuahuas are very social so she needs plenty of play time with her person but she also needs rest often so for the most part, keep her in the crate. When you have time to give her undivided attention, remove the potty crate and set it aside but leave the pad in its spot in front of her “den." If she squats to go potty anywhere other than her pad, put the potty crate back immediately and put her inside until she’s gone potty. This is where it’s hard sometimes because she will WANT to come out and get attention but you have to be strong and not let her out until she finishes going potty in the potty crate. No matter how much she’s whining, ignore her until she goes. Don’t scold her when she has an accident since the goal is to make her WANT to pee on the pad and scolding just makes her afraid of her person. Any time you notice her using the potty crate, praise her with a tiny treat. The best time to let her out to play is right AFTER she's gone potty in the potty crate. That way she’ll be able to hold it longer and have fewer mistakes.

As the puppy grows, lengthen the amount of time she spends with the potty crate removed. Once she knows where that spot is, she will never stray. After she’s received all of her puppy vaccinations, you can transition her to go outside which will be another video for another day.
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I might be getting a chihuahua after waiting 8 years for one I CANT wait this is going to be so helpful thanks ❤️


I have to be honest here… when I clicked on this video I didn’t expect much, not because anything personal just because the tips on YT mainly have been about outside potty training and people with large gardens and houses or just using plain pads, which my Chi destroys. BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GRATEFUL for this video. This might have changed me and my doggies life forever. I got so anxious trying to potty train him. But this has worked miracles. Forever grateful Sara and Tommy. 🐶🐾


I just took my puppy chihuahua outside every hour. Every week I would decrease outside time until she would be at the door on her own to let me know she wanted to go potty. She never peed or pooed inside and it took less than a month to trained her, she was 4 months old. Now she associates outside with potty and playtime.


I'm currently doing something similar with my new Chihuahua currently. First, I purchased a 24 by 18 dog crate that I then threw a dog bed, dog toys, and a dog blanket on the inside.

I also purchased a 24 by 18 high sided solid plastic container that using a hack saw, I cut out an opening large enough for a chihuahua to ingress and egress on one side of it easily. Then I filled the bottom of this new customized doggy litter box with one inch of pine pellets. Next, I butted the customized doggy litter box to the door opening of the doggy crate.

Lastly I put the puppy inside. As the idea is the puppy sleeps and plays on the crate side without soiling it and then when it eliminates it goes in the customized doggy litter box side.

Meanwhile, I only let the puppy out for bonding after it has recently eliminated itself. So for in five days, everything seems to be working like a charm.

The plan is to continue the process for approximately three weeks, then when I deem it is time, I will slide the customized doggy liter box about a foot away from the doggy crate, which, of course, will give the puppy the ability to ingress and egress the doggy crate at will.

Meanwhile, I will monitor the puppy closely throughout the day and if the puppy returns 100 percent of the time to the customized doggy litter box to eliminate, I will move the litter box further away from the doggy crate in the direction of my desired permanent location.

Each day the puppy is flawless in eliminating in the customized doggy litter box, I will continue moving it closer and closer to my desired permanent location, and when I finally reach my permanent location with flawless elimination inside the customized doggy litter box, then I will consider my puppy completely litter box trained.

However, if the puppy does make a mistake during the process of moving the customized doggy litter box to its permanent location, then I will butt up the customized litter box to the doggy crate and continue the routine for one more week before attempting the process again.

Meanwhile, pine pellets are dirt cheap. As I bought a 40 pound bag of the stuff at Tractor Supply Company for $7.50 including tax and that amount should last me about six months.

Pine Pellets also virtually eliminates all odors and it is very easy to work with. As when puppies, dogs, or cats urinate on them, the pellets disintegrate into sawdust.

The way I'm doing it, is anytime I see dog poop in the customized doggy litter box, I scoop it out immediately with a litter box scoop and flush it down the toilet.

I also bought a cheap sifting cat litter box that I use only as a cleaning aid.

So what I will do to clean out the customized doggy litter box is after I make sure there is no remaining poo, I will then empty the contents of the customized litter box into the cat litter box sifter. Then after returning the customized doggy liter box to its permanent location, I will sift out all the sawdust to the bottom cat litter box.

When all that remains in the sifter is unused pine pellets, I will empty the sifter contents back inside the customized doggy liter box and then dump the sawdust in the bottom cat litter box into the trash, as it is odorless. Then I will replenish the customized doggy litter box with one or two scoops of pine pellets to replenish the customized doggy litter box.

After that, I'm finished; it's cleaned. So all told the process start to finish will take me about two to three minutes a week.

Meanwhile, the advantage of litter training your chihuahua is that you don't have to worry about making a time schedule to take your dog outside. You won't have to worry about rain or snow or if it is hot or cold outside.

The chihuahua always stays inside the home, so it's never exposed to fleas and ticks.

Moreover, you can also leave the chihuahua alone for extended periods of time and not have to worry about puppy mistakes. All in all, I think it works over all better than having to take your dog out on a leash everyday for multiple times a day or if you have a fenced in back yard, having to let your dog out the door every day for multiple times a day.

So far, everything is going according to plan without even the first puppy mishap yet.


Wow, this is the first video I’ve watched that actually makes sense and seems easy. AND she was funny. ❤️


I’m working on this method right now. So far so good! I’ve actually been a little amazed. My babies are only 7 weeks old and everyone told me I would have no luck so early. If I’m diligent and stay on it they do perfectly. We have a few accidents if they are playing away from the crates. I try to watch and get them to the potty crate while they are out...and now I leave the potty crate OFF while they play (so they can get to it...but I replace it if I can’t watch them constantly and need to put them in containment).
They will totally stop playing and go to the pad now
:) I’ve literally only had them a week!
I watched this video and found you the day after I brought them home :) thank you so much. You have been such a big help.


Great idea putting a crate over the pad! Thanks for sharing!


Chihuahuas are the best! Bambi shared my life for happy 17 years. We enjoyed so much! Nothing is the same without her. I love Chihuahuas.


I am getting my Chi for a month and I am very excited. Also, you really have a “good vibe” personality, I really like watching your videos.


Thank you so much for this tip! I tried it with my 9 week old chihuahua puppy and it has worked so far! 😊


I took in a shichi. A chihuahua and shiztu mix breed. Previous owner would just yell at her and kept her in her crate all day everyday except for when she would let her outside or take her a bath. And occasionally come out to play when grandkids would go over. But when I got her she was well behaved and knows how to alert me when it's time to go outside. Pretty much the only time she will bark is if she has to go and I'm asleep. If I'm awake, she'll make me follow her to the door. Point is apparently keeping her in her crate taught her not to potty inside. Although I do not like for dogs to be in cages all day witch is why I agreed to take her in.


I literally don't have words to describe my gratitude towards you! Well done


We have pee pee pads for my chihuahuas all around my house and there finally potty trained but not fully sometimes they will pee on the floor but the older one knows better now but not the younger one


I would love to have one of these little fur babies. I had my Chihuahua house broke Within 2 weeks. Like you said you don't scold them by having an accident. I got some of this stuff that comes like squirt cheese but it's made for puppies and that is what I used as a treat when she'd go potty. Plus every time she would go potty I would say that word I would praise her


Thanks sooo much I have a chihuahua and I was waiting for someone to explain exactly what to do to train mine now I now more or less what to do thanks and continue doing great job like this thanks again


This has been a great channel. ❣️ Glad I found it, because I get my first Chihuahua in a few weeks. ❣️


I'm adopting my chihuahua puppy within next 2 weeks. He's absolutely gorgeous!
This funny, informative lady is extremely helpful. Thankyou 😇




Kelly: This is a WONDERFUL, helpful, informational and very entertaining video. I've had Chi's for nearly 14 years and wish I'd found your duel crate method years ago--it would have saved countless hairs I tore out of my head as well as a thousand (or more) clean-ups. Thank you!


Thank you for mentioning not to let your puppy outside until they are fully vaccinated! Such an important lesson that people don’t consider 🙏🥰❤️👍
