Knipex Cobra #shorts

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I know the whole “hype” around Knipex (yes, the ‘K’ is pronounced) has become a meme basically but I can tell you, as a user for years and years of their pliers, they really are THE BEST. I’m an electrician who has worked in all conditions, wet, cold, dirt, nasty sewage, etc - and these pliers will NOT quit! I have never felt pliers that cut, grip and feel the way these do. I have had linesman and cobras fall in puddles and get rusted to just unstick themselves with some usage and tool oil, it’s ridic how amazing these things are.

I have replaced any Klein, channelock, ideal, Greenlee, Southwire, Milwaukee, etc - tools with Knipex tools bc they really are that amazing….

Wera for screw drivers, since knipex doesn’t make any :(.


I have 2 10" cobras and the 22" cobras. There has not been a single thing that the 22" have not worked on. It's the only tool in my box that I can say that about. When someone is having trouble with something, they ask my help. Drain plug rounded off? 10" cobras, first grip, pops loose. Audi axle bolt 17mm hex key. Didn't have one. 22" cobras, the pop when that bolt came loose (again on the very first grip), shop owner came out to make sure everyone is alive.

My first pair of cobras as my first year of turning wrenches. There was an f450 on a lift. Big meaty swaybar. I did what this guy did but I was doing pull ups. No squeeze. Just hang off the top handle. The pliers dig and "lock" by themselves


I love Knipex and I have two sets this size…what I want to know is where did you find the “Wide Full Tongue 90s-early 2000s DVS” Kicks brotha!…makes me want to build a mini half pipe and miss every kickflip attempt with “Rage Against The Machine” full blast on a CD player


The BEST I won't use any other I got two of them one for my shop one in my truck


I always find it funny when english speaking people say nipex...But unlike Knife, Knight, Know, ...Knipex is not pronounced without the K. When I was a kid and I saw Knight Rider in Belgium, we all said K-night rider... Because we didn't knew english well at that age. 😂


What's the purpose of this?
I have other steps.


Post-hoc rationalization for buying expensive tools...


Try putting most of your weight near the end of the top handle rather than near the pivot.
