Before Time Began, Jesus Was

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Jesus existed with God in the very beginning. Before time, before matter, Jesus was.

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Our human minds can’t even comprehend The full power of God


Jesus is my first love and will be my last 💒


So deep. Guys he kept me alive through multiple withdrawals, overdoses, alcohol poisonings, .. I've never been homeless but I HAVE chosen to sleep on dirt beside a bottle of vodka. I've chewed fentanyl patches, battled depression and demonization... and here I am, today - sober from it all and getting active in the church. One day I will tell my story to kids headed down the dark path I traversed alone.. only to find out I was NEVER alone, he was with me thru it all


We were made in His image. Jesus was there before creation so when He created humans, He created humans in the image of Jesus. Because Jesus has always been there. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. 3 in 1


Psalm 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING you are God.” From everlasting to everlasting seems to indicate time in both directions with no beginning or end. So how could time have a beginning?


That put butterflies in my stomach and a lil fear at the same time. All glory to Jesus Christ. Its a holy fear. A fear that make me wanna continue to be a better me i do not want to upset him. The thought of that scary. But i keep messing up and he keeping breath in my body because he love me. He dont have to do all that he doing. Existence itself is He can cut it all off at any sec. But he continue to give me and us a chance. Thats love. And divine


Baffling, to are finite mindJust repent and accept Him as LORD and Savior AMEN GOES HERE.🙏


I must comment - the other day I asked Jesus to show more of himself to me. Then, I began to ask, was Jesus Pre exisiting before he was born? And it got me researching and how God made Adam in the image of him, so yes God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit were already in existence before anything else. And the Mike dropped completely for me. And this morning, I was chatting to God complaining so much about my life and all of a sudden, this pigeon flew to my window and was trying to butt it’s way in and kept flapping its wings crazily and boy did that get my attention. God was telling me to stop whining. It was perfect. The pigeon literally scared me out of whining. Thank You God.


God was the beginning.The first commandment:thou shalt not have other Gods before me and this is just what they do with jesus, placing him before God.


I think "was" in the title could (should?) change to "is." Our Lord is not so constrained to time :) He is there currently and He is in the past in the future because He created time, as Piper talked about. We cannot comprehend what timelessness is like, though the Bible describes it a little (day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day)...this is why there's so much division over some chronology of what happens when we leave Earth. If we become "like Jesus" (and timeless), we will simply be at the marriage supper and Jesus's throne of judgement regardless of when we die. You can't say people are in heaven now, but you can't say they aren't. It's truly awesome.


The firstborn symbolized Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry, reminding the people that the great Messiah would come (Moses 5:4–8; 6:63). Jesus was the firstborn of the spirit children of our Heavenly Father, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, and the first to rise from the dead in the Resurrection (Col. 1:13–18).


God Born a Son Psalm 109, He walked in all of the Old Testament and came through Mary in his Heavenly body and with His blood (Hebrew 9:11)


Bless you
𐤀𐤕 / אֵת / Aleph Tav / Alpha Omega
the first and the last
the beginning and the ending

From Genesis 1:1 Torah
And In the Tanakh………
The 𐤀𐤕 is in Genesis 668 times.
In Exodus 651 times.
In Leviticus 429 times.
In Numbers 439 times.
In Deuteronomy 435 times.
In Joshua 320 times.
In Judges 310 times.
In Ruth 39 times.
In 1 Samuel 408 times.
In 2 Samuel 339 times.
In 1 Kings 425 times.
In 2 Kings 390 times.
In 1 Chronicles 284 times.
In 2 Chronicles 367 times.
In Ezra 23 times.
In Nehemiah 94 times.
In Esther 75 times.
In Job 30 times.
In Psalms 139 times.
In Proverbs 25 times.
In Ecclesiastes 70 times.
In Isaiah 167 times.
In Jeremiah 533 times.
In Lamentations 6 times.
In Ezekiel 387 times.
In Daniel 37 times.
In Hosea 36 times.
In Joel 12 times.
In Amos 35 times.
In Obadiah 8 times.
In Jonah 12 times.
In Micah 12 times.
In Habakkuk 4 times.
In Zephaniah 16 times.
In Haggai 9 times.
In Zechariah 85 times.
In Malachi 19 times.

Total of 7326 times in the Scriptures.

John 1:1 and 1:14
He is the living Alphabet
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 's Alphabet

Isaiah 46:10
the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”

That was in the beginning ………

  בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים,


הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

אֵת / 𐤀𐤕 / Alpha and Omega
Is in the middle of Genesis 1:1

Hebrew or Greek
He is still the
First and the Last

Revelation 1:8
“I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending,  
saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” 

Revelation 1:11
 I am
Alpha and Omega,
the first and the last: 
and,  What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.” 

Revelation 1:17
“And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me,  Fear not;
I am
the first and the last:” 

Revelation 2:8
“And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith
the first and the last,
which was dead, and is alive;” 

Revelation 21:6
“And he said unto me, It is done. I am
Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end.
I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” 

Revelation 22:13
“I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end,
first and the last.” 

Aleph is

One who causes to exist

Tav is

To be enforced without compromise

I pray that this is a blessing.
bless you



Jesus is the Messiah
The Son of God
The Son of David
The Son of man
The man God has chosen to be his anointed king
The man God will judge the world through
The man God raised from the dead

Jesus has a God
There is no triune god in scripture

Jesus said the Father is the only true God!

John 17
3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.


If Jesus was born how does he not have a beginning


God;s WORD was in the beginning! What about that do you NOT comprehend?? God spoke creation into being.


God has no beginning and no end and yet the words `in the beginning` are used.. in the beginning was the Word.. the Word was the beginning.. and God said, Let there be light.. Jesus is the Word and the Light of the world.. these two things had a beginning.. - just thoughts 🤍🕊️


Jesus was created by god . God is eternal, Jesus died god cannot die.


In the beginning was Gods plan and his plan was with him and his plan was him and it was and is glorious. Is this statement true? Or false? Your answer will reveal YOUR faith.


Jesus is God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. The father + the Son + the Holy Spirit was there in the beginning.
