RESTO SHAMAN OWNS next patch in operation: Floodgate! First look at restoration in M+ for 11.1

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In this video I go over all the changes coming for Restoration Shaman in 11.1 Liberation of Undermine for the War Within. Restoration Shaman didn't receive a lot of changes to their M+ gameplay in 11.1 - most changes felt aimed at making an alternative playstyle in raid. It is still looking strong like it did last patch and would be a great main pick.

0:00 Introduction
0:17 Changes in 11.1
3:31 Tierset
4:29 Restoration Shaman gameplay in M+
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Metzen is back and enhance is slapping. Coincidence?


Cool, I have options in case they break Enh. Love your content - thank you.


Good to hear. My healer for M+ is a Resto Shaman so its good she'll rock the heals.


Nice first time playing wow and i went resto shaman but mana is os rough sometimes in mythic dungeons


I switched back to shaman at the start of the xpac from evoker when my guild wanted me to main a dps. Healing is my offspec and I like how easy it is to play in M+. Really great as an off spec that I don't have to think about too much. As ele though, I am a bit worried about losing AG since our burst damage can be stupid if we get the right procs. It's the only way I keep myself alive sometimes. ^^;;


As much as i love mistweaver, rsham is much more intuitive for me. Love this healing spec


I am a resto shaman main, just don't think I can bring myself to play Retail wow, gearing and stuff just feels terrible. Gameplay is okay, I did the first season pretty actively. I am just raid logging on Season of Discovery as the main Wow. Classic has been the main game since 2019 :D
