Keybinds You Need To Fix - Escape From Tarkov

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There are a lot of different keybinds in Tarkov. a LOT. This video goes into all of the tricks that I've learned along the way to free up keys and make actions work more in your favor so that you can better dominate against the competition.

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Re double binding for malfunctions. I like it the other way around: inspect on release, check chamber on press. That way instead of holding the key I can hit it once to inspect, then hit it again to fix the malfunction.


TARKOV= One of the best binding systems. Wish more games would take note


If my gun doesn't work IRL in a firefight, the first thing I do is start yanking the bolt handle. Which will fix the malfunction most of the time. We have a button to interact with the bolt in Tarkov. But no, I can't just press it and fix most of the malfunctions this way, I must for some reason LOOK at it first. Double points for when you can physically see the stuck casing in some guns like SKS or Kedr but your character is completely oblivious to it until he plays with the gun.


I have been using the scope zero on shift + mswheel for so long, it's so much more convenient. Will definitely look into the med and firemode ones too.


If you swap the press and release for the inspection and clear malfunction, you only need to press the key twice instead of holding and then releasing.

If you get a jam, the clear malfunction on press is ignored and the release will inspect. Hit the button again to clear the malfunction.

I personally think this works a bit better as you don’t need to worry so much about timing the release of the key.


a really handy one is also Aim on RMB (press) and Hold Breath on RMB (release) that instant steady scope/sights is so important for quick taps


Been playing since 2017 and had no idea about the reload delay. Thought that was like a built in feature or something to simulate momentum before that was actually a thing.


This is my fourth wipe and there's still some stuff in here I've never thought of doing, thanks Onepeg!


I would consider myself a vet - nearing 1000hr - and I've seen other keybind guides, but this was still jampacked full of gems for me. Thanks for putting this together and sharing it! 10/10.


The jamming one is a life saver. So many times my guns jams and I'm fiddling about in a friefight trying to remember which keys to press. But to just hold it all down in one button, has saved me so many times now. God send


Really nice tips, especially the malfunction and the zeroing ones. Thank you !


Good list, there's a big one I've been using since last wipe when grenade throwing was changed. Currently with default binds if you have multiple types of grenades equipped, when you press G you will pull out a random grenade. To pull out a specific grenade you need to change binding. What I did was change "Prepare a grenade" to G on release and I bound slot 9 and 0 to G on press and G on double press respectively. Now I can bind 2 different types of grenades to G and double press G for tactical grenade selection. Maybe some day we will select grenades like mags with hold and scroll.


GREAT video!! I did NOT know that about double binds for meds! Totally using this :D

I did not think about Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls! SUCH a game-changer!

You just earned a new sub!


Been using the double bind for meds the past few months and I love it. Good Vid OnePeg


Here's a crazy one:
Switch the Lean Left and Lean Right Buttons around. So Q = Lean Right, E = Lean Left.
It makes moving around corners while leaning SO much smoother (because you can press D while leaning right for example) I actually couldn't believe it wasn't default when I first tried it.


Thanks man, a lot of these helped me, iv been messing with the bindings for a while and some things never felt right, thanks for the tips on the healing, I'm sure the one press healing will deff help out in the long run. It's only fair I share some of my finds to your community.

If you are into detaching magazines and scrolling to reload for a more tactical feel, try binding "Detach magazine" to R continuous and "Reload magazine" to R release. When you hold R you detach your current mag and once the animation is complete just scroll to your next mag and release.

This is only good if you bind it to your mouse. Bind "Walking" to Caps lock continuous and "Hold breath" to Caps lock release. You can control your walking by holding down the key and once you let go, as long as you stop moving, you can stabilize your weapon without even thinking about doing so, good for peaking most corners stealthily.

If you are like me and still use phrase menus, you can bind "Phrase Menu" to X double click, "Open voice command dropdown" to X continuous, and "Voice command quick phrase" to X Release. They are context-sensitive, so it may take a bit of getting use to.

Thats most of the good ones, GLHF


I have my normal reload set to release on my mouse wheel, and holding the mouse wheel you can scroll to select a mag or loose ammo if you want to top load. R is my speed reload to drop a mag. Also setting check fire mode to "b" and full auto to hold "b" allows for a simple and SILENT way to ensure/put your gun on full auto first try every time


Very useful and good ideas! I switched my camber expect/fix malfunctions to T a long time ago. Huge suggestion for scope adjustments! Thank you!


I changed my "Inspect weapon" and "check chamber/clear malfunction" to one of the buttons on the side of my mouse, press and release respectively.

Now I'm gonna have to give the select fire key bind you demonstrated here a try
