Could dark matter be coming from other dimensions?

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My thoughts are very similar to this video. However, the major difference in my opinion is that the dimensions of reality occupy the same space, i.e. the hyperverse. Matter from lower dimensions cannot influence matter from higher dimensions, but the opposite could be true. In the case of four dimensional matter, this could have a gravitational interaction with our three dimensional universe. Therefore, dark matter is actually just normal matter occupying the same hyperversal space as our universe, but from a higher dimension (explaining why we have such limited interaction with it).


I came up with this idea after watching some of the World Science Festival videos about Dark Matter and Hyperspace. The idea seems very convincing to me, although Im not a physicist. I'm a bit disappointed Im not the first one to have this idea.


I don’t think dark matter is dark at all, I think it’s in other dimensions but layerd on top of all the other dimensions so we can’t see it because it’s 4th, 5th 6th and up dimensions but we will see the impact on the universe because we all share it.


7 universes 1 on top of each other, dark matter is nothing but the universe thats on top of our universe with its own laws of physics and on top of that universe there is another dark matter/universe..


[Flashcard] Bread-slice universe hypothesis


I’m gonna go ahead and put myself on the books as saying I believe this is definitely what dark matter is. It could be directly related to many worlds and quantum mechanics. In other words, the quantum mechanical collapse is Everettian and those worlds are what cause Dark Matter! To test this we would need access to the parallel slices of universes. EDIT: I also believe that many worlds does represent our experience in the world, from synchronicities to dejavu to altered states of consciousness to even mental disorders where patients are seeing and convinced of things that “aren’t there.”


If everything in the universe vibrates in one way or another this also could be possible for the foundation of a hypothetical multiverse. Like a sine wave of which only the positive part is making up our universe and the negative part makes up a parallel universe. Polarity could also be a feature of the nothingness of space.


Surely if there was a 4th dimension there. Would be objects that have momentum in that dimension, though we don't know how big our "slice of the bread" encompasses surely objects appearing and then disappearing could prove that other dimensions must exist


Holy crap...brian greene talking about something that i thought about on my own without other input...that's wild


The thing is we dont know how other dimensions might work.. maybe we all share the same universe but as as 3rd dimensional beings can only see 3 dimensionally. However, a 8th dimensional being might be able to see the universe completely differntly.. its really the only thing that makes sence when we know theres 95% of what makes up the universe missing...


Just pictures the frustrated beings either side of our slice also trying to figure this out!


Or maybe you’re using the word “dimension” in the wrong sense. Maybe dark matter is simply regular matter in the fourth spatial dimension that isn’t currently crossed with our three-dimensional plane.


My hunch tells me this correct. In the same way radio waves occupy the same space


I was wondering if Black matter was black holes from other dimensions and aliens from other dimensions see our black holes creating their black matter and they wonder the same thing

would black holes create enough gravity to interfere with other universes?

or maybe its aliens hideing from us.


My belief is that the dark dimension is the hard ware of the existence that hold all the code of all the particles, and the planet itself, like a source would and every planet is like a copy of the same file under parameters like size and power . Claiming we live in the hyper digital reality.


Or from a different time or space of it lol its all relative


I have an awesome idea! Suppose that the dark side of the universe consists of short-term interactions in fractals, the smallest quantum operators in energy, spherical rosebuds, consisting of a large set: 1 - rolled into a sphere, 2 - half collapsed into a sphere and 3 - flat, vibrating quantum membranes relative to their working centers in the sphere.


Let’s just say we’re all smart as fuck. Because I bet when AI becomes super intelligent it will prove this theory right. There’s no dark matter, it’s dark matter because it’s not here it’s in the higher dimensions but it’s just regular matter, maybe energy, but it’s the rest of the dimensions matter. Which is why we only have 5% it’s almost a pattern at 11 dimensions you could get a very interesting number if you play around with the increase rate … at 5% visible matter in 4D do the adjustment up to 11 dimensions and what’s the rate of increase?


In islam we believe in parallel universes. we literally believe there are 7 "earths" and angels can travel between these universes. on the night journey the angel grabriel took muhammad through these dimensions and the only way to do that is through a portal that is guarded by angels. they will not open without permission.


Qur'an says there are 7 skies. There are 9 spatial dims according to the superstring theory. 7 skies are the 7 slices of our universe: (9 dims, 3D space) 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7, 6-7-8, 7-8-9. We are in '1-2-3' slice. Matters of other slices are dark matter for us. We are also dark matter for them. Slices or skies are superimposed or superpositioned.
