Exploiting FTP Port 21 | Kali Linux - Metasploitable2 | Lab

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In this video, you will learn, how to exploit any vulnerable FTP (File Transfer Protocol) port 21 in order to gain access to the system. Real-time exploitation presented in Lab with Kali Linux Metasploit framework and Metasploitable2 machines, you will also learn how to find a vulnerability in any system. #FTP #Port21 #Port20 #exploit #reconnaissance #Scanning #discovery #Active Reconnaissance #NMAP #TCP #UDP #Lab Scenario #information gathering tools #Network Scanning #Port scanning #Vulnerability scanning #host scanning #Linux #debian #ubuntu #Penetration #Vulnerability #Windows #Kali #Linux#Ethical #hacking #Virtual #Lab #setup #information security #cybersecurity #Software #Data #Procedures #Networks #free learning #Computer Security #tricks #tips #free #Urdu #Hindi
Hacking without permission is illegal. This channel is strictly educational for learning about cyber-security in the areas of ethical hacking and penetration testing so that we can protect ourselves against real hackers. The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only.
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Hacking without permission is illegal. This channel is strictly educational for learning about cyber-security in the areas of ethical hacking and penetration testing so that we can protect ourselves against real hackers. The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only.
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