How to Create a Drag Performance (From Start to Finish)

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Drag King Maxxx Pleasure's latest video of drag performance tips focuses on how to create a drag number. These start-to-finish steps can help drag kings, drag queens, and all types of drag performers.

This video is all instructions! Keep an eye out for an upcoming behind the scenes video that shows this process in action - the creation of my number for NYC's world-famous drag festival Bushwig 2019!

Maxxx Pleasure pic by Francine Daveta
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Hi I'm Mylo ( my drag name is raven (afro)dite ) and last year I did my first drag performance and you helped so much with making my persona. My outfit and just having the confidence to peform infornt of ppl so thank you so much ...I'm here once again in my 10 grade year preparing for my 2nd drag performance !!!And I owe a lot of props to you for the name because I got the idea for a pun name but yet a a serious name from one of ur videos so -raven- is my drag king and -(afro)dite is my drag queen so when they come together they make ME in ....drag which I love so much got off topic but thank you !!! You ROCK!


& then you get on stage and it all looks effortless!


Thanks for the tips!! I’m just starting to put together my first performance, which is a little overwhelming, but I’ll definitely keep these things in mind 😝


these videos are so well made and informative, I can't believe that you don't have more subscribers!


I'm performing for the first time in 2 months and a half and I am stressing out so much, it's going to be at a festival where I have a lot of people to impress, I hope it's going to go well 🤞


This was soo helpful, thank you! I'm hosting my first show for my favorite local queen and I'm doing my debut performance for the opening number, as well. I'm working on creating my character and building up the experience to translate my musical theatre, public speaking etc background into drag.
I really appreciate all the info you shared here, I'm saving this video and subbing!


Just found your channel and your videos are so comprehensive and well done! I love it!


How do you do drag when you don’t know how to dance or how to dance well?


great vid! how long are your performances usually?
