🇩🇪 The Economics Of Being Black In Germany | Hon Irene Appiah | Conversations With Black Germany

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In this insightful interview, we sit down with Hon. Irene Appiah, a trailblazing Black German politician (SPD, Hamburg), to discuss her remarkable journey into German politics and the unique challenges she has faced. Irene opens up about the challenges within the German political system, and her concerns over the rise of the far right in Europe. We also explore the identity debate: Africans, Afro-German or Black German? Join us for an inspiring conversation that sheds light on the complexities of race, politics, German economics as well as being Black in Germany today.
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This woman is really dedicated to our people. She has a vision and is hard working yet the road is very, very difficult.


After a hundred Years in Black America this is still very much a fierce debate. TO achieve power first through Economics and Then Politics Or to Organize People into Coalitions to vote for Political Influence ?.. America Elected 1 Black president and soon Maybe another. Many are still conflicted over whether Power and Equity was Achieved through these apparent victories in Politics. Certainly Higher accumulation of Wealth delivers higher chances in the Courts..(Though may not work for Diddy)

Considering these groups that have carved out a Measureable amount in the Economy Of Germany
- Poland
- Russia
- Italy
- Syria
- Lebanon
- Various African countries
- Vietnam
- China
- Various Balkan countries
- Caribbean countries
- Latin American countries

Which of these groups have Political or Social Power(Respect) in Germany and in what ways is it demonstrated?
Certainly Africans (and Black Americans for that matter) could create more businesses.... in Germany that would deliver income particularly in an uncertain labor market. ...but bigger Innovating enterprises that could employ larger numbers of people in so called Mittelstand Companies that engage in manufacturing for the Export sector might have more Impact.
Entering those sectors may require greater organized and cohesive efforts across National is where so called PanAfricanism really matters ....linking African Expats in Europe and Asia with our Bretheren in Africa. It could be the case that our People who got degrees especially in the West got absorbed by Corporations and thus never eventually leverage insider knowledge to build these Mittlestand companies that we would own. the shifting BRICS landscape should create a large number of new opportunities and no doubt challenges to go with it.

There was a magazine in America for Black Business and Corporations called Black Enterprise it was started 50 years ago it was like a Black Version of Forbes. Is there anything like that magazine, in the UK, Germany, Netherlands etc?
