Do You Choose Your Religion?

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The left is comfortable discriminating against people because of their religious beliefs, because they believe religion is a choice. But is it true?
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I can't speak for other countries, but here in the UK, a huge majority of people are athiest/agnostic simply because religion is never even discussed The census would have you believe a majority are Christian, which is more about how our culture has been influenced by Christianity and we're used to describing ourselves as that, but I've had maybe 2 conversations about religion here in 46 years, and most people would avoid religious people if they started talking about it. I don't recall anyone ever saying 'God bless' or anything with a religious context, apart from when we swear, and again that's more about culture and habit than inferring anything religious or anti-religious. I sometimes get the feeling that Americans think we're all raised as Christians here and then reject it later on, but the truth is that most people here are raised without any religious influence, or in my case, with no mention of spiritual matters at all. I've never discussed God or anything spiritual with my own mother, just as she didn't with her parents and many families here are like that.

That said, we don't openly reject Christian values. There's a lot to be said for thou shalt not kill, steal, etc, and a good friend of mine was a crack addict that turned his life around after finding religion, so I do recognise that religion has some value in certain cases and that it has had a positive effect on our society.


"political correctness" always was a slippery slope. Under the guise of "not judging others" our upcoming generations are losing the ability of critical thinking, discernment and wisdom.
(do we still teach the story of "The Emporer's New Clothes"?)


At 3:10, I'm reminded of the quote from George Orwell in 1984, the mantra of the Party.

"War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

Everything can become its opposite if we let it. Truth can't be held as subjective.


When I was young, people told me that god created everything. And that's it.
I didn't think about religion at all because I was too busy with school and playing video games.
When I grew up I a little, religion came to mind and many people around me were religious, so I tried to join one just to be like everyone else.
But after studying multiple beliefs, I disagreed with many things. Many laws had no logic or valid explanation behind them and it was too frustrating and boring to do the same religious tasks over and over again.
I began to see everyone else around me as religious slaves, stuck in the same loop, repeating the same things, expecting things to change. They prayed but they still suffered. That's when I learned my true path: the path of freedom.
It doesn't matter if god exists or not. I'm not waiting for a miracle to save me. I'm creating my own miracles.
Now I only follow one rule: "Almost everything is possible".


I've just found this channel and your videos don't get as many views as they deserve.


You seem to be a very logical person (from your previous videos)... and you do have a point in this video. But most religious people inherit their religion from their family. Very few people change religions... because they simply don't consider other religions AND, more importantly, they don't even research their own religion.


Excellent video, and well said.
I see this concept of "creating the other" everywhere in our society. Even in things as simple as discriminating someone's driving because of a license plate. It's sad that there is so much discrimination in the name of equality in our country.


Your videos are fantastic guys, keep up the good work. Praying for you right now.
Blessings from Canada.


The fact that most religious people overwhelmingly believe whatever faith is also shared by their parents and community suggests that yes, it is a "choice". Or rather, it is a belief that is not tied to evidence, but to familial love and community acceptance. So it is a choice between believing, or facing ostracization; literally the biggest human fear next to death itself. Most gay people are not raised to believe they are gay; often, if they accept this aspect of themselves, it is despite heavy social condemnation. But something inside them cannot deny it, even sometimes under threat of jail or death (in Islamic theocracies, for instance).

From everything I've seen, belief in some form of greater order is very likely hard-coded into humans. Maybe because it's true, maybe just to make the thought of our own deaths bearable. But individual religions are _actual_ social constructs (as opposed to gender and race).


when we kid, we follow our parents religion, but when we grow up and become an adult, we have, we should ability to study and choose religion (or not) that we believe.


People who believe religion is 'chosen' reveal a lot about their approach to truth. If they think your beliefs could be changed on a whim, it's because theirs could. They genuinely don't believe that the things they believe are 'true'--they just think things... ironically, I guess?


Many "activists" have poor form and ruin their chances of a discussion by stamping their feet and screaming.

But don't ignore the message: everyone should have a good life. If it doesn't harm anyone, let it be.

Discrimination is a loaded term - but it has its place. If a person harms another person, discriminate - get out of my home, get away from my business. You aren't welcome because you harm others.

But we are talking about people who have apparently suffered their entire life. They believe they are in the wrong body, or otherwise feel alienated from society. What is there to discriminate against them?

Those who discriminate because people don't conform to their worldview are harming them. They are further alienating them. Instead of loving them, they are despising them - this is the problem.

I don't believe everyone deserves love, and I don't believe everyone deserves respect. But there is a difference between indifference and contempt. I don't believe people should be discriminated against when they have done nothing wrong.


The answer is yes. You can choose your religion. Religion its up to individuals whether they want to believe in a religion or not.


Hey big fan of the work you do on this channel. I have nothing but respect for you which is why i have to be honest and give my thoughts. Your videos show that you have a rational intellect. It should be obvious that you were fed christianity at moms breast. So you do not choose your religion. It is influenced on to you as a child. Only when you grow up to understand things more clear is when you understand there is no santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, or other religions. It is interesting that people like yourself who think rationally on most ideas and concepts have a unwillingness to let go of the idea of god and religion. Even though its obvious humans created the ideas and concepts. Just like santa and all the other stories you dont believe in because you accept its made up. Use your critical thinking skills on self reflection. So not only are you given your religion, as the recipient who doesnt wanna accept there is no god, and religion is rubbish, you love the world view and want it to be true. Want is the key word. Truth is what it is and cannot be changed. Not what you want and changes with whim. Think about that. Again, i mean what i say with respect. Those are just my thoughts that came to mind watching this. Even if you or anyone disagrees with me on this i still support your work on real world stuff! 🖒


I'm an atheist and have no interest whatsoever in supporting religious people or institutions, but I do believe they should be as free as anyone else to do what they think is best, as long as it doesn't affect negatively other people's lives. A person who does not support gay marriage for religious or philosophical reasons should not be forced to be involved in one.


I really appreciate you people not being afraid to stand up and speak. Surely you have official right to, in some way but nontheless it's nice to know that you are not letting your ground in USA go. Speaking as a perso of same views from across the ocean.


Until two Muslim parents suddenly say, "I think we'll raise our newborn to be a Buddhist, " then I'll believe that people aren't directed to one specific religion.


This is more of a missionary channel than a 'Familly policy institute' one.


~Shakes head~

A Main issue folks oppose with you people is you yourselves don’t want to be Mistreated but yet you commit the same shit on others

These are great reminders for me why I am Ex-Christian currently I am Partial-Pagan/Buddhist and could not be any happier


People to chose to get married. Overall I just err on the side of liberty. Don't force people to make you things & provide you services that's using someone's body against their will for your enjoyment.
