🔴 Why are Bees Considered 'Fish' Now? | [OFFICE HOURS] Podcast 091

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😎: Kyle
✂: Charles Shattuck
🤖: @Claire Max
🎼: Karl Casey @White Bat Audio
🎼: Mëydan Stream music by Karl Casey @whitebataudio
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TL:DR; There's a conservation law about fish that defines invertibrates as a type of fish, so lobsters and whatnot can fall under that conservation law. It means aquatic invertibrates, clearly, but because bees are invertibrate animals, and need conservation, they now fall under that section of the conservation law. Basically, conservation activists being efficient in getting legal action to save bees.


I had a dream ten years ago that kangaroos are the nearest relative of the dog. Since life is turning out to be a Robert frost poem, I’d like to claim my nobel prize now so my grandma can still be alive for the moment.


The problem with bees is that some plants are specialized to be polinated by native bees. Bee farms does not make up for the extinction of the native species, which is in fact a real problem.


Science reporting in this country is a bunch of Bee Ess, which is why we rely on science communicators such as yourself. Journalists have been routinely dropping the ball on really all subjects lately, but science especially.


I love to see loopholes being used for good things for a change... also "poo is not a spaceship" is one of my new favorite lines...also also I have the same Witcher crest on my thermos.


Hi Kyle...so, there are other types of bees (like bumble bees, Forrest bees, tree bees etc etc) and they are indeed under a LOT of pressure as a result of loss of habitat.

The underlying story has little to do with the plight of farmed bees. Ok yes, they are indeed producers of honey and are indeed quite pollinators, however, they can't do the entire job.

Certain plants need specific bees to be pollinated.

Without those types of bees, then, these plants/types of plants will die and, as such, we will end up more susceptible to loss of habitat and from the effects of lack of food product diversity or the disease thereof...which can be a product of having insufficient plant breeds available for interbreeding or diversification.

Also, colony collapse is also something which happens in the UK...mites is a thing that has been discussed as beig problematic too...although, neonicotineoids have also been banned as a precautionary measure too...although, maybe not for much longer.


The problem is thr honey bee industry road on the fact that other bees were endangered to get public repore for their bees despite their bees being the main cause of the lose of bees. The english honey bee has never been a concern and we have been screaming it for years


The look on Kyle's face as he explains why Sonic's poop won't vaporize is priceless.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be a fish. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, is a fish anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.


The fact that the amount of bees is not declining doesn't mean that the problem is gone. The biggest problem is indeed the loss of bee diversity. The co-evolution of polinators and plants is extremely important given that the native bee population is struggling to keep up with the invasive species that we humans introduced for honey production. Anyway, the decline of native bees can and has absolutely lead to the loss of plants and biodiversity around the world.


I was always told that the thunder clap was more caused by the air slapping back together after rapid expansion. Is this not correct? It does make sense that the rapid heating/expansion would be faster than the cooling/contraction.


"Poop is not a spaceship" Good thing we cleared that up!


The problem here is that when the law doesn't match reality it opens up a whole new realm of corruption and abuse that can't be controlled by reason. Take this to its logical conclusion. For example, say the politics change and they decide to classify dolphins as a type of deer. Now they can hunt dolphins all they want.


With cancer treatments, I think it was best explained to me when I was studying for my MPH. One of my professors dismissed the conspiracy theories about there being a "cure for cancer" that's being suppressed by saying "expecting 'a cure for cancer' is like expecting 'a cure for diseases.'" Now, you may get technologies (MRNA technology has been seen as a promising potential, which is why they had so much understanding in place when they went to make the vaccines) which can be tailored to broadly target a variety of cancers, once you know how to tweak them for the specific cancer, but that's like saying "we have pills to treat diseases, " which is true, but which pill varies by disease.


Okay, so I'm going to clear something up:
It's not that bees are dying off, it's that *WILD* bees are dying off. Wild bee populations are dying off, and wild bees are active at different times and pollinate different plants. Honeybees are *through the roof* in terms of numbers, but since they don't pollinate all the same plants that wild bees do, lots of plants aren't getting pollinated. And for the "different times" thing I mentioned, some plants only bloom during specific times of the day, when honeybees aren't active. This means that those plants *also* aren't getting pollinated. I'd recommend reading up on this, just because it's good to be well informed, and I'd hate to give you incorrect information.

(I realize he mentions this in the video, but not everyone will watch the whole thing)

Honeybees aren't as important as wild bees.


Came for the bees, stayed for the stabs at Ted Cruz lol


Watching Sonic questions break Kyle was something of a highlight, ngl.


Minecraft is oddly educational, just by default the "Redstone" system works like an electric circuit, with logic gates and such, and if you include mods, like "Create"(which is a mechanical motion mod using cog wheels and their different sizes and wind turbines) there's so many things in it to help kids understand some parts of physics and logic.

Haven't played it a few years, but back when I studied engineering I knew far more than I should just because of that, which is odd to say, that or the rest of the class was full of bone-heads, which is a possibility.


"Bumble bees are also without spine... much like Ted Cruz."

Gold. 😂


Not bad for a catch phrase, but I can't imagine anything but
"Be nice to each other, cause this is all we got, " just means so much to me.
