What is the best Leica camera for M lenses (M10 versus SL2-S)?

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In this video we will explore the pros and cons of both the M and the SL system, if you want to use them with M lenses.

00:00 Intro
01:07 Shutter sound
01:25 Aesthetics
03:14 Usability
08:28 Image Quality
09:09 Image samples
10:48 Image quiz (SL or M)
11:41 Final thoughts
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Thanks for the video! Very well produced and I was actually debating between both systems for my first Leica. You highlighted the camera differences in a really good way.


I sold my M10-P for a SL2-S and I absolutely enjoy this camera but on the other side I really missed the M system. So when the time was right I bought an used M11 and also kept the SL2-S. They complement each other so good. I also use the SL2-S primarily with M glass and this combo is killer too.


I love the SL2. The EVF and ability to switch between auto and manual 6x focusing using back button is just a fantastic implementation thats the fastest I've used. The IBIS, especially when paired with IBIS lenses is unreal. I've hit 1 second exposures that are indistinguishable from tripod mounted shots. The flexbility for continuous autofocus which works really well for all fast moving subjects. If I was looking for a camera to pair with a separate film camera I'd say the M series is too close to that, in that it's slow and deliberate only. With the SL2 you swtich shooting style with the press of a profile button. My next point is the controversial one, the lenses, I would happily use the native L mount glass as these are some of the best lenses Leica have ever produced. That's no knock on the M glass, it's still fantastic but you aren't missing anything in tems of image quality, character or pop in the L mount glass but gaining autofocus and weather sealing.


Thank you for this excellent comparison. Very clearly explained.

Really good point about balance with the heavier M lenses on an M vs SL2. Everyone else just talks about the weight and volume difference. The way an SL body can actually balance some of the heavier M glass is illuminating.


I've both the M240 and MP240, plus three M lenses. I have a number of R lenses too, which I use on my M cameras via an adaptor. Getting an SL will add approx 200 gr more to the bag, but I'll get more fun of the old Leica R or Angenieux lenses, because focusing will become a lot easier. 🤩 Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep on rolling!


Great video, low key, nuanced and to the point. Bravo!


Amai, yes een nieuwe video online! jij maakt zulke goede video''s


The SL2-S shutter sounds more ‘digital’, the M shutter sounds more ‘mechanical.’ As it should! The focus assistance on the SL-2S makes a big difference to me. Overall winner is the SL2-S…but the M11 is so fun to shoot. Loved your low light shots in the city/village.
What do you think about mounting silver lenses on black bodies? Looks better then black on black?
Please do a video on R lenses. I can’t decide if I should try one out.


Worth the wait! Saw some familiar spots (such as 8:23, of course) and some new ones to discover in Brussels. Looking for ward to the next one after that teaser.


A major win for the SL series is you don’t need to send it in to Leica for CLA


Really nice video. I have the original sl and love it but one thing I hate and no one ever really mentions is how much the viewfinder sticks out and digs into your side when carrying it with a strap. Apart from this its my favourite camera I've ever owned and the photos from the original SL sensor are the closest ive got to film.


what are the best settings to use on the SL2-S when using M lenses? do you set up a user profile for settings specific to M lenses?


Two film M`s /Cl and an SL2s .I`ve been shooting M`s for over twenty five years so I`m very attached to the Rf experience however my SL2s is much more versatile The only downside for me is the additional weight of the S2s and it would be nice if it were slightly smaller . In short I enjoy my M4 and M3 but for digital I want something more "up to date" and versatile .A digital M is too much of a compromise maybe ? Very well balanced review .


What is best ? Best optical performance it is probably the M, best way to focus/ use M lenses it is probably the SL2 (more and more M lenses focus closer than 0.7m).


M-glass is small, quick and perfect on M-bodies. They are designed for zone focusing and snap shooting at moderate apertures. I purchased the original SL (601) to "digitize" my M-glass, but I soon found out how much I was missing when I tried SL lenses. While the SL system's amazing EVF, zoom capability, and focus peaking can certainly improve the hit rate of an adapted Summilux-M or Summicron-M lens, I believe the premise is flawed (unless you shoot everything wide-open or own a Noctilux). The SL system is a much more sophisticated platform. Besides IBIS and AF, you also have a vastly improved metering system. Sure SL-glass is larger, but it is optically superior to even the best M-glass. So, I would say the "best" platform for each lens type, is its native camera. Otherwise, you are using a hammer, when you should be using a screwdriver 🙂


I have both, m10r and sl2s. Took both recently on a week trip with walking all day, trains, 3 cities etc. I only use manual M lenses. SL feels like a swiss knife, easy to switch between video and photo. Moviemakers shoot in manual so large AF lenses are not required. Beautiful video images through the M lenses. EVF is super quality but external EVF on an M is more flexibel as it tilts. When necessary I use my iphone as external monitor connecter to the sl2s over bluetooth. Weight is not an issue at all. Beware that people react more often when you shoot them with a sl2s, not ideal for candid street photography. Also i had to hand in my sl at a concert which never happened with my M. If it wasn’t for the video capabilities, I would only shoot M. After a day of video plus photo on the sl2s, it feels like freedom when going out in the evening with only the M. After this extensive experience with both cameras on a trip my conclusion is that i’ll take the sl2s for work assignmentsm and the m for sheer creativity. Hope this helps. Oh by the way, there is no difference in image quality at all


The only reason to get an M is if you either 1. ONLY want a rangefinder, or 2. NEED and value first and foremost the lightest setup possible. Any other reasons get an SL


has the M11 but like to add the LS series so hope LS3 is coming soon


Thanks for this comparison. I think it's an endless question ... what camera to use with M lenses 😆

... my very personal problem is: The SL wins in all the "practical" points, but then ... if you really intend to use it primarily with M lenses, the SL solution to me is just using any adapter with a generic EVF camera, why not just go for a Sony or a Nikon or a Panasonic then. You have so many choices with those mirrorless digital cameras today ...

The M on the other hand is the only digital camera that gives a totally "classic" or "analogue" shooting experience. Maybe Fuji X or some DSLR bodies like Nikon Df or Pentax also give that experience, but just to some extent, none creates that pure classic feeling as much as the Leica M. You can even buy an analog M camera and it will almost give the same shooting experience as the digital M ...

About the rangefinder, one thing that I think is sad is that Leica switched the digital M after the M9 to those "electric" rangefinder framelines. Cause now you always have to turn on the camera just to check your composition or when you use the small lever to find out if you maybe want to use a different focal length.


I think a good partner to the Mamiya is the Fuji GFX. I partner my Pentax 645J with a GFX50R.
