Festival of Trumpets [SHMA Live]

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In Judaism, the first day of the seventh month is celebrated as Rosh HaShanah, or "Head of the Year." Yet, in the Biblical narrative, this day is termed Yom Teruah, frequently translated as the "Festival of Trumpets." However, a keen observation reveals two inconsistencies: the Bible doesn't designate the first day of the seventh month as the start of the year, and intriguingly, 'Teruah' doesn’t directly translate to 'trumpet.'

This beckons several questions:

➠What does the Scripture genuinely convey about the first day of the seventh month?
➠How is the term 'Teruah' defined and applied throughout the Hebrew Bible?
➠What are the Biblical guidelines on observing this day, and are there explicit traditions to eschew?
➠Can we pinpoint instances of Yom Teruah being commemorated in the Biblical annals?

To navigate these intricacies and shed light on this revered day, join Bible teacher Ross K. Nichols for a profound exploration and understanding.

Video Chapters
0:00 SHMA LIVE Intro
0:37 Opening Remarks
4:01 Rosh HaShanah
11:32 Holy Days of the 7th Month
14:49 Leviticus Twenty-Three
26:00 Numbers Twenty-Nine
29:14 Forbidden Work
37:53 What is Teruah?
50:31 Closing Remarks
55:49 Credits
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I wish I was more of an early morning person and could join in the zoom :( being retired in California (West Coast time). I love how teruah and ruach or so closely related ;)


Hello dear Ross, I would like to comment with disagreement regarding your theory with the word מְלֶאכֶת .
It does not refer only to the Temple work, as you neglected all the other verses with this word. Example:Lev.13:48, 1Chron.27:26, Dan8:27
You can't take a form of word in Hebrew to make an theory, you need to take a root of this word, and check through all Tanach ( Bible) to make a proclamation you made.
Thank you, and have a blessed day.


Can someone send me a calendar for seven feasts at po box 825 Wewak PAPUA New guinea Michael Seleken Thanku


what makes u think it was referring to the 7th month and not the 1st month? in Ez 40:1



Ross you said you were only going to deal with the biblical things concerning the 7th month, not apples and honey or traditions, and then went on to explain the Jewish tradition of 1 of 4 new years in there, “tradition” and explaining that. Explaining what is written in tradition. ???


We can't actually do the feasts, u agree? Only in Jerusalem, with a temple, and priest-hood. But we should remember the feasts, we just can't 'Do' them.


The simple answer is……………
God created the southern hemisphere as well as the northern hemisphere!
So down under, we are at the start of the year, it is spring.
Think about it.
This is one of the great proofs for the existence of God.


I'm one that is of the nations. Search as I may looking for truth, I only find religion. To me, religion is death because it teaches traditions of men as commandments of Elohim. The church of Rome took away the appointed times and commandments and replaced them with catechism and a pope calling himself god. Daniel 7:25 was confirmed by them through those actions. I find HaShem, Adonia and the strict avoidance of pronouncing His Name, Yehowah, abhorrent. It sickens me. AND Some do not receive Yeshua as Messiah. Does anyone see a pattern? The thief comes but to steal and to kill and to destroy is the clue to the pattern given. All the people want is The Truth. When I discovered, that is, when I believed the written WORD and specifically John 14 and the gift given to a true believer, I found truth. I received The Spirit of The Truth as promised and that makes to me, the WORD truth when taught by the Spirit of The Truth. Truth requires guidance from Elohim confirming what truth is.
