Assassins Creed Unity - Part 1 - THEY SAID THIS GAME SUCKED..

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Assassins Creed: Unity PS5 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1. Welcome to the official series of the Assassins Creed: Unity, this series will include the full game story, Assassins Creed: Unity review and first impressions. This AC: Unity series will include the full game story walkthrough with all boss fights, all upgrades, and missions.

Assassins Creed: Unity Full Playlist:

Asassins Creed Unity tells a story set in Paris during the French Revolution; the single-player story follows Arno Victor Dorian in his efforts to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. The game retains the series' third-person open world exploration as well as introducing a revamped combat, parkour and stealth system.

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Would really like to see this one start with a bang, so far im like liking this.


“Why did we never get a unity 2?” This man hollow is askin the right questions


This series has been so entertaining to watch


the animations peaked with unity, looks so much more real than the recent rpg style ones.


Hollow at the ending of roge this was awesome

hollow at the beginning of unity: what have I done ????


This game is painfully underrated. It may have been buggy when it first came out but it was still a great experience.


I remember working at a Game store back when this was released, hearing nothing but bad reviews due to the broken game & game itself. I remember getting it for Christmas with my staff discount & I can honestly say it's one of my favourite games of all time, so so underrated. Gorgeous too!


The style of parkour in this game was hella nice


I love how wholesome Hollow is. He'll literally just enjoy a game without worrying of its stigma. He's all like "I'm really excited about this game!"


I don't think it's a bad game at all. The glitches and the bugs makes it worst. If it wasn't for those two, this game could've been the best modern AC games ever. But overall it's a solid AC game. Can't be mad at it.


The game is so underrated it should be a crime


That hardcore Let’s gooo! I love the continuity of how one game ends and the next picks up immediately from that spot.


This was my favourite AC bar none. I HATE that people gave it such a bad rep, it was incredible. Outstanding multiplayer too.


I laughed so hard when Hollow remembered he wanted to kill the little boy Arno in Rogue


A few tips: (no spoilers mentioned)

Guns are op in this game. Try to avoid them as much as you can.
Use the detection system to your advantage. Let guards see you till the mark gets red so they come to your position.
Do some side quests every now and then to earn some money to upgrade your load out since it really will make a difference.
Those golden chests contain Assassin Outfits from older Assassins.
You will encounter the Cafe Theatre after a couple of missions. Once you unlocked it, play every mission possible and renovate as many buildings as you can to earn a reasonable amount of money. 40 t and hour so, might be less.
The difficulty is ranked in 5 levels. You are currently a recruit which is the reason why your difficulty level is so low. It will get harder by progressing.
You'll unlock some skills in form of points in this game. Use them wisely. Get the staggering strike and the heavy attack first and upgrade your health and your Assassin abilities.
Buy a heavy sword in the beginning of the game since it will allow you to take on harder enemies. After you've progressed a bit you should change it to a normal sword since it is the fastest and most reliable on.


Bro i soooo loved this game, maybe some people gave a bad review but man playing this felt like a real assassin because of the fluidity and the fact that the world is very open i can play all day together with the flawless parkour :>


Unity was the first game that made me start liking Assassin's Creed series back in 2014. I remembered the story pretty well and the characters too, such as Arno, but I forgot where I was. I'm looking forward to watch this!


You've officially entered the AC Era where the modern day fell off a cliff


AC Unity's story feels like a prologue of Arno's story imo.


This game is so underrated and over hated it’s sad. Hoping you do daily uploads of this game!!!
