Tarantula Hawk vs Tarantula

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This is not a video of cute and cuddly critters. It is a video documentation of the life and death struggle between a wasp and a spider - a Tarantula Hawk versus a Tarantula.
Dramatic and emotional to watch, this footage has made a contribution to the scientific knowledge of the behavior of both species.

Read what one professional biologist has said about this video:

“What a fantastic video! It is the best I have ever seen because it really highlights the unusual attack behavior of the wasp”. Justin Schmidt (Author of The Sting of the Wild)
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Nobody going to talk about the ant ! The ant is like whatever’s going on is not my problem I got to get this back to the queen 😂😂


No matter who or what you are in the animal kingdom; we all collectively say, "Fuck wasps."


that tarantula is getting the ultimate sci-fi horror movie experience


Imagine being awake, but paralyzed, watching yourself get buried, and experiencing yourself getting eaten alive..


How strange that its method of attack is to lie on its back, exposing its belly and crawling under the spider. Seems like the very worst way to approach such a huge spider.


I like how the lil ant was minding his business at 2:25 lol he wants no part of thier lil situation lol 😂


0:56 I admire the ant for just minding his own business, and going on with his day.


I think the tarantulas downfall is that it waits to know what it is dealing with before it deals with it. It knows something is there, but it is not acting like prey, it is also not really bothering it. The tarantulas only option is to sit tight - which is its downfall.


I’ve always wondered why the tarantulas just threaten posture or raise up over the wasp but never an attempted attack…. I mean if you’re gonna die anyways might as go out fang’n’ lol


I like how the ant minds its business as if this was a daily occurrence in the area


Any New Vegas player has deep sympathy for the tarantula.


This was a very interesting and enjoyable video watching how other species survive. I have the utmost respect for ants though. Which is why I never mess with ant piles. My respect is for their discipline and complete tunnel vision. They don't care what's going on around them. They have a task, and they stay focused on it.


This is what I love to have the internet for, and thanks to people like you for good work and information ! And also often for good replies of the other users !


I’ve actually seen this in my backyard on three separate occasions. My wife is a tarantula lover so I was forced to intervene. I’ve successfully brought the tarantulas back from a state of paralysis. Takes about 6 months for them to start really moving again.


1:06 Little ant at that clump of grass is just like "Come on Steve, it's just another day in the insect kingdom. Just... gotta... get this... grub... back to the colony." before just getting stepped on in this battle of the titans. lol


The tarantula hawk is by far my favorite insect. I saw a smaller one in my back yard inspecting every single web that it found. No matter how big the web was, she fearlessly entered each one looking for a spider. That's some bad ass stuff right there IMO.


2:14 Lil brave ant walking casually to its nest


One of the best nature videos by private people.. I was so impressed. Both the recording but also it was so informativ! I very rarely see such a good quality video with GREAT information.. Really enjoyed it!


This was well done! These wasps are fascinating and truly terrifying to say the least. It almost can turn an arachnophobe into someone who tries to rescue tarantulas from these beasts! It makes me feel sorry for the tarantulas though I'm aware that the wasp lives only a few months whereas the tarantulas can live for years without ever encountering them.

I often wonder what would've happened if someone interveneed and rescued the tarantula and attempted to nurse it back to health or if the TH wasp went up against a Calceatum, or Murinus (They are very fast, incredibly aggressive, and highly venomous spiders), or even a Goliath Birdeating Spider (They can reach the size of a dinner plate).


The thing I always find strange is how docile tarantulas are to these tarantula hawk. Any other insect the Tarantula would leap on it. But with these hawk wasps, the tarantula almost offers itself to it. It would have a chance of survival or at least killing the wasp too if it grabbed hold of it and shoved it’s fangs into it. But they dont. It’s like they’re sedated.