Learn Brazilian Portuguese - 100 most common words (1/10).

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The most used words in Portuguese are those small little words like articles, prepositions and conjunctions.
1 – o, a (the)
The first word is the definite article o or a.
O or a means the, in English. This article varies in gender, masculine (o) and feminine (a). And it also varies in number, singular or plural.
Let's look at some examples:
O livro (the book)
A caneta (the pen)
Os livros (the books)
As canetas (the pens)
2 – um/uma (a/an/some)
The second word is the indefinite article a or an. The word um or uma can be translated as a, an, or some, in English.
This article also varies in gender, masculine (um) or feminine (uma), and it also varies in number, singular and plural.
Let's look at some examples:
Um livro (a book)
Uma caneta (a pen)
Uns livros (some books)
Umas canetas (some pens)
3 – e (and)
The third word is the conjunction e.
The word e means and in English. This word is used to add a term or thought to a sentence, or to connect two sentences.
For example:
Eu tenho um livro e uma caneta (I have a book and a pen).
4 – ou (or)
The fourth word is the conjunction ou.
The word ou means or, in English. This word is used to indicate two alternatives or choices.
For example:
Você quer chá ou café? (Do you want tea or coffee?)
5 – mas (but)
The fifth word is the conjunction but.
The word mas means but, in English. This word is used to indicate opposition or contrast.
For example:
Estou cansada, mas tenho que estudar (I'm tired, but I have to study)
6 – de (from/of)
The sixth word is the preposition de.
The word de can be translated as from or of, in English. This preposition varies in gender, masculine (do) and feminine (da), and it also varies in number, singular or plural. It is commonly used to indicate origin or ownership.
For example:
Ele é de São Paulo (He is from Sao Paulo).
Eu sou do Brasil (I'm from Brazil).
Este livro é da Maria (This book belongs to Maria).
Este é o quarto das crianças (This is the kids’ room).
7 – em (in/on/at)
The seventh word is the preposition em.
The word em can be translated as in, on or at, in English. This preposition varies in gender, masculine (no) and feminine (na), and it also varies in number, singular and plural. It is commonly used to indicate location or time.
For example:
Eu moro em Nova Iorque (I live in New York).
Ela está na universidade (She's at the university).
Nós vamos chegar em 10 minutos (We'll be there in 10 minutes).
Eu vou viajar no dia 10 de setembro (I'm going to travel on September 10th).
8 – para (to/for)
The eighth word is the preposition para.
The word para can be translated as to or for, in English. This preposition can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples:
Eu vou para o Brasil (I’ll go to Brazil).
Isto é para você (This is for you).
9 – por (by/for/through)
The ninth word is the preposition por.
The word por can be translated as by, for or through, in English. Like the word para, the preposition por can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples.
Vou enviar isto por e-mail (I'll send this by email).
Vou a academia duas vezes por semana (I go to the gym twice a week).
10 – com (with)
The tenth word is the preposition com.
The word com means with, in English. This preposition can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples:
Eu falo com meus amigos todos os dias (I talk with my friends every day).
Eu estou com fome(I'm hungry).
That’s it. These are the 10 words of today. Now, I would like you to do a homework: write a comment below using one of the words we studied in this video.
I recommend that you watch this video at least two more times to assimilate the content. Remember to like this video and subscribe to my channel. Every week, I post a new video, with tips on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese. In the next video, I'll talk about the next ten most used words in Brazilian Portuguese.
Thanks for watching this video and see you next time!
Sign up now for my Free mini-course in pronunciation at
Transcription of the video:
The most used words in Portuguese are those small little words like articles, prepositions and conjunctions.
1 – o, a (the)
The first word is the definite article o or a.
O or a means the, in English. This article varies in gender, masculine (o) and feminine (a). And it also varies in number, singular or plural.
Let's look at some examples:
O livro (the book)
A caneta (the pen)
Os livros (the books)
As canetas (the pens)
2 – um/uma (a/an/some)
The second word is the indefinite article a or an. The word um or uma can be translated as a, an, or some, in English.
This article also varies in gender, masculine (um) or feminine (uma), and it also varies in number, singular and plural.
Let's look at some examples:
Um livro (a book)
Uma caneta (a pen)
Uns livros (some books)
Umas canetas (some pens)
3 – e (and)
The third word is the conjunction e.
The word e means and in English. This word is used to add a term or thought to a sentence, or to connect two sentences.
For example:
Eu tenho um livro e uma caneta (I have a book and a pen).
4 – ou (or)
The fourth word is the conjunction ou.
The word ou means or, in English. This word is used to indicate two alternatives or choices.
For example:
Você quer chá ou café? (Do you want tea or coffee?)
5 – mas (but)
The fifth word is the conjunction but.
The word mas means but, in English. This word is used to indicate opposition or contrast.
For example:
Estou cansada, mas tenho que estudar (I'm tired, but I have to study)
6 – de (from/of)
The sixth word is the preposition de.
The word de can be translated as from or of, in English. This preposition varies in gender, masculine (do) and feminine (da), and it also varies in number, singular or plural. It is commonly used to indicate origin or ownership.
For example:
Ele é de São Paulo (He is from Sao Paulo).
Eu sou do Brasil (I'm from Brazil).
Este livro é da Maria (This book belongs to Maria).
Este é o quarto das crianças (This is the kids’ room).
7 – em (in/on/at)
The seventh word is the preposition em.
The word em can be translated as in, on or at, in English. This preposition varies in gender, masculine (no) and feminine (na), and it also varies in number, singular and plural. It is commonly used to indicate location or time.
For example:
Eu moro em Nova Iorque (I live in New York).
Ela está na universidade (She's at the university).
Nós vamos chegar em 10 minutos (We'll be there in 10 minutes).
Eu vou viajar no dia 10 de setembro (I'm going to travel on September 10th).
8 – para (to/for)
The eighth word is the preposition para.
The word para can be translated as to or for, in English. This preposition can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples:
Eu vou para o Brasil (I’ll go to Brazil).
Isto é para você (This is for you).
9 – por (by/for/through)
The ninth word is the preposition por.
The word por can be translated as by, for or through, in English. Like the word para, the preposition por can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples.
Vou enviar isto por e-mail (I'll send this by email).
Vou a academia duas vezes por semana (I go to the gym twice a week).
10 – com (with)
The tenth word is the preposition com.
The word com means with, in English. This preposition can be used in many different ways.
Here are some examples:
Eu falo com meus amigos todos os dias (I talk with my friends every day).
Eu estou com fome(I'm hungry).
That’s it. These are the 10 words of today. Now, I would like you to do a homework: write a comment below using one of the words we studied in this video.
I recommend that you watch this video at least two more times to assimilate the content. Remember to like this video and subscribe to my channel. Every week, I post a new video, with tips on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese. In the next video, I'll talk about the next ten most used words in Brazilian Portuguese.
Thanks for watching this video and see you next time!