What Does an Expanding Universe Mean? | Episode 403 | Closer To Truth

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The expanding universe is humanity's monumental discovery. Beginning with something infinitesimally small, the universe has become something majestically large. How could this happen? What could this mean? Featuring interviews with Alan Guth, Paul Steinhardt, Saul Perlmutter, George Ellis, and Andrei Linde.

Season 4, Episode 3 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#Inflation #Cosmos
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Dear Rob.. Considering the quick developments in science, I think the dates of your interviews are important. I would kindly request you to indicate the year of the interview in your uploads..


Free, interesting, and with subtitles. This channel is precious. Thank you so much for your work! It's incredible such content is completely free for everyone.


Not only is the universe expanding and accelerating exponentially, but also: life, knowledge and consciousness.


I have spent countless hours studying, as just a curious bystander, different forms presented to explain the expanding universe and/or the inflation model. I must say, I could have saved myself a whole lot of time by viewing this video first. You, along with your presenters, finally gave me a small but relevant understanding of the inflation model and how it contributes to the vast amount of information out there pertaining to the universe. Thank you for this well-organized, brutally pointed explanation of this model.


Thank you Mr. Kuhn for all your curiosities. You are inspiring to me the way Carl Sagan is.


Rob has talked to so many experts. my man's brain must be massive.


BTW, dark energy is an illusion caused by the gravitational distortion caused by the gravitational fields of distant galaxies.
Gravity from distant galaxies has a redshift effect on the frequency of light they emit in the same way that gravity can bend the path of light from a light source behind the gravitational field.
The same spacial distortion bending light paths, also distorts the frequency of light emitted from super heavy distant galaxies.
Hence no cosmic acceleration, no dark energy causing acceleration, no un-accounted for dark matter, and certainly, no big bang. This universe is eternal, without beginning or ending. Cosmic background microwaves are but distant galaxies who's light has been gravitationally distorted beyond your visible spectrum.
 Galaxies continually exchange and recycle energy and birth new stars out of old dead ones for ever and ever.
How do you think light escapes super heavy distant galaxies with its frequency visually unaffected by spacial distortions?
Someday sapien's decendents will travel to distant galaxies and discover the return trip doesn't take require extra travel time as no acceleration is actually occuring... That is unless your craft is destroyed by war mongering violent species, leaving you marooned on their backwards hillbilly planet where its custumary to torture food, species before consuming them.


The episodes on cutting edge physics are definitely the best.


Alan Guth really puts "the big bang" in perspective....


This Channel is incredibly good! I hope it continues to grow.


Imagine the moment of creation of a black hole. The moment of creation of the event horizon. In an instant, it transitions from non-existence to existence. It inflates in a fraction of an instant and in that moment, encodes all the information of its contents on its surface. From then on, it KEEPS growing. With the surface area growing in proportion to the entropy it contains. We live in a universe full of fractals, but somehow fail to see that the universe is fractally nested as well? We see black holes everywhere, containing most of the entropy in the universe, objects who's contents are removed from our cosmos, because they are cosmoses of their own. We don't observe white holes, because they're not in our universe either, expect the one that we got at the moment of creation, the big bang. We can't see dark energy, because it's not "in" our universe. It's the expansion of the event horizon our universe exists on as it grows over time. I'm also fairly confident that Hawking radiation leaking out of a black hole is the light redshifted by expansion as well (the only non-conserved energy in our universe) leaking back out into its parent universe. Things don't just happen. Waves ripple. Our universe is one on a chain of many that have come before it, slowly evapotaing, but not before all its daughters breed new universes, at ever smaller scales, in the cracks of planck length and planck time. The drum beats faster each time from the outside, but feels like an eternity from the inside. It's the only way to get so much something from nothing. The universe isn't infinite. Its infinitesimal.


I have always wondered where it expands? I mean when something goes bigger it needs room ha ha. So what is beyond our universe?
And where those big bang particles comes first place?


Thanks. Outstanding information and videos FREE to everybody.


I can’t keep up with Closer to the truth, but I love to try❤️


The big question I've never seen answered is why is the universe expanding at a greater rate the further away it is from us. Is it going downhill?


I'm definitely on track with Ellis and Linde here.


OMG I LOVE DR PERLMUTTER. 😂 I love how he talks and explains things. Thanks for this video. ❤️👍🏻 this channel rocks.

And really it’s “invisible” not “dark”… so yeah. 🤷‍♀️😎

I love Andre Linde from Stanford. I have always seen all the poetry of the parallels he mentions. Never underestimate the space between our assumptions. Those enticing niches of mind. 🥰🙏🏻


The bottom line is that nobody really knows with any certainty, regardless of which high priced school you work at.


An expanding universe, and the existence of matter, is what creates gravity.


"The psychedelic experience has NO place in science. In fact, I'm perfectly fine with prohibiting it for all, pretending it never existed, and moving on to more serious things." --R.L.Kuhn. OK, in fairness I don't know if he ever said that, but look at the nature of Closer To Truth episodes; that is essentially what they are. Each one brings him closer to truth at the pace of a tired snail, whereas a personal breakthrough psychedelic experience, or at least interviewing guests familiar with the topic, would bring him closer to truth at a speed more like "wow, 1000 years worth of knowledge per hour, and I never want it to stop, and I can't wait to apply all the lessons learned, and I feel spiritually reborn! Why oh why, self, did I not have this ultimate déjà vu earlier??" Oh well, it's probably all my fault---I must've totally missed the most interesting CTT episode(s) ever published, where he talks in depth with his guest(s) about this one of the most formative transformative experiences available in human life. Can someone point me to such episode(s) please? *crickets*...
