Stentrode brain computer interface online in first two human patients

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Synchron, a neurovascular bioelectronics medicine company, today announced publication of a first-in-human study demonstrating successful use of the Stentrode™ brain-computer interface (BCI), or neuroprosthesis. Specifically, the study shows the Stentrode’s ability to enable patients with severe paralysis to resume daily tasks, including texting, emailing, shopping and banking online, through direct thought, and without the need for open brain surgery. The study is the first to demonstrate that a BCI implanted via the patient’s blood vessels is able to restore the transmission of brain impulses out of the body, and did so wirelessly. The patients were able to use their impulses to control digital devices without the need for a touchscreen, mouse, keyboard or voice activation technology. This feasibility study was published in the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS), the leading international peer-review journal for the clinical field of neurointerventional surgery, and official journal of the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS).
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As a retired IT PM, I'm thrilled to see this tech coming to the aid of people with special needs. The marriage of technology and the human body has long been difficult but your solution seems to overcome this interface issue in a robust fashion. I've had several friends who were paraplegics who had difficulties with simple tasks in everyday life and given the amount of things we now must do via computer interfaces (banking, shopping, communications), your work is vital. Wishing you much success!


why is this not as famous as neuralink?


Great work. This is a lot of hope for people who are suffering from this daily and the practical applications are enormous


Fascinating, looking forward to work in this field.


You're all doing amazing work! In a few years people that can't move well will be living much better lives.


Advanced electromagnetic interferometry in the non-ionizing range is the key. And has been realized by governments, look up targeted individuals (TIs) who have been used as "Guinea pigs" non-consensual test subjects for Radio-Frequency and Microwave research and often times torture victims. By envoking potentialities and taking advantage of physiology any percievable cognition of any sort can be forced, these signals can also be recorded and deciphered all via highly specific electromagnetic based directed energy. With the aid of intelligence driven supercomputers of undisclosed capabilities this approach has yielded unheard of capability not openly disclosed in the medical and scientific communities, Russia, America, China and many other nations are developing this in secret as it can be implemented all remotely from afar and without any additional technology in close proximity to the individual effected. Patent number US3951134A explains the theoretical approach of this sort of methodology to non-invasive mind reading and alteration, now imagine the capability of a large advanced phaseable array of antennas in which the purveyence can manifest in such a way similar to a laser and is steerable also possessing highly controllable and predictable precise spread capability, engineering of HAARP accomplished all this. By refracting this signal off of the Ionosphere the signal can also be converted into the ELF range. US5041834 explains the concept of creating a "plasma mirror" which is tiltable and now you have all the necessary capability to purvey over great distances which could utilize several mirrors to maintain precise geometries via intelligent computing. Many individuals report voice to skull (V2K) and are disregarded as delusional or suffering symptomatic psychosis even termed schizophrenic, however the viable technological means to explain this sit out in the open, still who knows what all apparatuses remain hidden and undisclosed fully obscured from public viewing.

The first reported transmission of Voice To Skull (V2K) via Microwave Auditory Effect (also termed Radio Frequency Hearing Effect, and the Frey Effect) was accomplished by Joseph C. Sharp and Mark Grove in 1973.

Cited from Don R. Justesen's research paper Microwaves and Behavior (1975) published in American Psychologist, Journal of the American Psychological Association, Volume 30 March 1975 Number 3.

"This article is based on materials presented to the faculties of Psychology and Engineering at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah) on August 21, 1974."

"Sharp and Grove found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct "wireless" and "receiverless" communication of speech. They recorded by voice on tape each of the single-syllable words for digits between 1 and 10. The electrical sine-wave analogs of each word were then processed so that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered. By radiating themselves with these "voice-modulated" microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words. The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes. Communication of more complex words and of sentences was not attempted because the averaged densities of energy required to transmit longer messages would approach the current 10 mW/cm2 limit of safe exposure. The capability of communicating directly with a human being by "receiverless radio" has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic. But the hotly debated and unresolved question of how much microwave radiation a human being can safely be exposed to will probably forestall applications within the near future."


It will be a matter of time even normal people will have this tech.


I hope you will help a chronic insomniac like me.
Im looking forward for this device


All this needs now is for the technology to not only accept signals from the brain but to also for the device relay signals back to the brain. When that happens Master Chief can finally be a reality


This seems a bit less invasive than what neuralink is doing, and I'm all for it!


This technology works for aphasia patients ?


If I invest in Synchron stock right now will I be rich in a few years? Lol


Eu gostaria de uma ajuda porque estou sofrendo com isso gostaria de uma resposta de vocês para excluir tudo isso da minha vida por favor me ajude obrigado!!!


Go in for surgery for unrelated things and they put this in, little to no scarring! "We'll use this to help people".... yeah right


its all fun and games until these vessels clog or something


upřímně deprese je normální věc každý si ji bude muset projit neměla by se potlačovat jeto jako vztek který když ho potlačíte moc dlouho muže se to zvrtnout


The other side of this coin is really dark. Makes me wonder about mass shootings perpetrators. Assassin's.


we should all have one, and if we get bad thoughts, the government can kill us before we do any harm. Beautiful. Safe and effective


So sick.People have turned into humanoids androids


neuralink seems like stone age tech compared to this
