9 Year Old Girl Tries to Beat Spinning Pull Up Bar 2 Min Challenge at Alton Towers

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If you got to theme parks then you will likely have seen the pull up bar challenge such as at Alton Towers. Basically you have to old on with both hands palms in the same direction for 2 minutes. If you win you get giant cuddly toy. Current price for a go at Alton Towers is £3. SO, 9 year old Anika, who can hold onto a standard pull up bar for a good 3 minutes thought she should be able to win.

Also see lots of tips and hints on how to win this challenge, which IS much harder than people think for reasons mentioned in the video.

Рекомендации по теме

I wonder if a rolling bar would be a good training aid at home for endurance training... it would be nice to train those muscles up to the 2 minute mark and take their money
