The Amazing Healing Power of Ho'oponopono (with meditation)

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This video. I'm going to show you one of the most powerful healing modalities I've ever found, something that you could simply listen to every single day and you can watch yourself peel back layers that no longer serve you so that you can be who you're meant to be.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that have a very powerful healing modality called Ho'oponopono an ancient Hawaiian healing modality that contains four different sentences that when you say begins to shift your vibration, now understand that this sane carries with it its own vibration.
The way that I'm going to explain it is a way that you may have never heard it talked about before and it has to do with reality itself and understanding that we are all connected. Now this is an ancient, a healing modality that has to do with sane for simple phrases. And I'll share with you these four simple phrases in a minute, but these four simple praises, a phrases allow us to heal within ourselves and to also heal our relationships with other people.
Think of this healing modality of Ho'oponopono as a way for us to change our vibrational frequency and to let go of a lot of things that no longer serve us. Because when you look at that chart of consciousness, the chart of consciousness I always share, you will see shame, fear, guilt, anger, and then eventually you see neutrality.
Then eventually see willingness reasoning except uh, acceptance, love. These are all different emotional states of consciousness. Now, the way that we let go of all the lower vibrations is actually by letting go. It's not about pine on in new idea, it's about letting go. And when we say these four phrases and we do it consistently, we then begin to let go of the lower vibrations.
These vibrations are no longer compatible with our energy field and we allow ourselves to then also start to tap into higher states of awareness as well. Because then as we let go, it's almost like those are weights that are weighing us down. These perspectives of someone did something to me, the blame that we may put out there, the anger we may feel.
It's not about getting a new perspective, it's about just letting go of the positionality, the perspective that someone did something wrong to us and what Ho Pono Pono allows us to do and allows us to take our power back and to heal ourselves. The reason you forgive other people is not for the other people. You forgive other people because you choose to not feel those emotions anymore.
If we don't forgive other people, we carry around that emotional burden and then we experience a reality that reflects back those incomplete patterns of the past. So don't make, it may be that some people may not deserve the forgiveness, but you deserve to not feel those emotions anymore.
You deserve to not carry that around with you. So something that you can begin to do is you can do this healing modality of Ho'oponopono which will allow you to then shake free of all those lower vibrations and start to exist in a higher state of consciousness, a higher vibration.
And what you will see is that then you let go of the lower vibrations, you naturally begin to rise up and you naturally can set that intention before you even move into the process itself of Ho'oponopono...the process for you to be able to feel more in your heart center, for you to be able to say these four phrases that allow you to feel more love than you've ever felt before.
And thinking of it like this to our thoughts are literally things. Our thoughts are literally things we may not see them, but they have an energetic form. And as we become more aware of our thoughts and how they're actually things that these structures, we can then see that there's certain influences and ways they can influence us. So think of it like this. The thoughts we think go into our energy field. And then there's a toroidal field around our body that recycles these thoughts. And as we go out into the world, there's these....
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