The Sustained Two-Shot

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What do you do when you’ve got two actors, a bunch of dialogue, and only enough time to get one camera angle? Consider one of the oldest tools in the filmmaking toolbox: the sustained two-shot.

Part of a limited series of new video essays.

To read more about the two-shot, from the late David Bordwell:

Written by Taylor Ramos & Tony Zhou
Edited & Narrated by Tony Zhou
Music by Sean William
BTS footage filmed by Julie Ng

You can check out some merch we made here:

You can support the new run of videos at Patreon here:
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This is like going back to 2016, when YouTube was completely different. Welcome back, Every Frame a Painting.


I saw a thumbnail of “every frame is a painting”.
I thought “weird I don’t remember this video”.
I checked the date “1 day ago”
I rubbed my eyes but it was still “1 day ago”
After all these years, I knew it


I can’t believe you’re actually back, i never thought this day would come


I absolutely adore the way you cut the montage of examples. It’s so crisp.


In the midst of "It's so over." I've found there was, within me, an invincible "We are so back."


Despite the explosion of video essayists yall are still unmatched. Wonder how many times I'll watch this one.


7 years I never considered unsubscribing, it's the best way to rewatch all your work.


I cannot believe my eyes when I saw "Every Frame a Painting - 1 day ago". We miss you man, glad to have you back!


These fuckin' guys. Create a genre on YouTube, step away from the space for a decade, and then come back and still come with new insightful material. All in five tight minutes. Chef's kiss.

Also lol they still have 2m subs.


Clips from 57 films plus montages from 36 more films, all in the space of 6 minutes, just to show a single shot style. Tony is an encyclopedia of film - I couldn’t be happier for this channel’s revival after 7 long years! 🎉


Never before have I so earnestly felt the phrase "We are so back" reverberate inside me like this.


As an audience member, I love a simple 2-shot. I think it’s more relaxed and less tiring. That allows the viewer’s mind to take in the interaction of the characters better. It emphasizes their bond and good actors can hit a rhythm that editing back and forth can’t duplicate. Actors on their game get a chance to show their stuff. I love watching older movies!


Hearing this voice is literally hearing an old friend. You came back when I needed you the most.


Hi tony i just want to tell a story:

Ten years ago i left home, was homeless for a while, dropped out of school and was in a dead end job flipping burgers but i dreamt of being a filmmaker.

That dream was so far away i thought ill never reach it.

Your edgar write video was my introduction to you.

It ignited my interest in film again, wanting to learn more about the art form.

Video after video you taught me lessons i carry now to this day.

Im a film editor now and have been for the last 9 years. currently about to direct my first feature film, because of your videos.

Im so happy your back and im pretty sure your responsibile for people in my generation working in the film industry.

Thank you for igniting that fire ❤️


For just a second, I thought YouTube was recommending an old video I'd watched years ago. I've missed this channel so much. I'm glad you had more to say. Thanks for coming back.


I have missed this luxurious flow of edutainment. It is so clear, structured unhurried, and richly edited that I feel fully receptive and totally at ease.

It's the visual equivalent of Twain's witicism, "If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter". But it's also the spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down.


I just wanted to say after finishing this video, when you stopped making videos I was in high school with a dream of la and wanting to make movies. Years later here I am doing that. You inspired me to be in this industry, and now to be working on movies when you come back is one of the most incredible feelings. Thank you for that. Thank you for your work and the lessons you teach. You have inspired the next generation of filmmakers


I don't even care what the video's about, I see Every Frame A Painting, I watch instantly.


Started watching this channel in like middle school and almost crashed the car driving back from my first day of film school seeing this notification


Seven years. Just went and looked at your video list, every single has a red bar under it. Glad to put another one under this one.

What the heck, it's only 28 videos. Back to the beginning!
