The Incredible New Way to Poach Eggs that NEVER Fails | Epicurious 101

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Chef Adrienne Cheatham demonstrates how to perfectly poach an egg at brunch-level quality in less than five minutes. Learn how simple it can be to foolproof your poaching method with the help of just one cup of vinegar.

Follow Chef Adrienne on Instagram at @chefadriennecheatham

Director: Gunsel Pehlivan
Director of Photography: Joel Kingsbury
Editor: Morgan Dopp
Host and Expert: Adrienne Cheatham

Sr. Culinary Director: Carrie Parente
Coordinating Producer: Tommy Werner
Culinary Producer: Tina DeGraff
Line Producer: Jen McGinity
Associate Producer: Michael Cascio
Production Manager: Janine Dispensa
Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes
Director of Talent: Cynthia Simpson

Camera Operator: Erron Francis

Audio Op: Artem Kulako
Production Assistant: Albie Smith

Hair & Make-Up: Nicole Vidro
Culinary Assistant: Mary White
Research Director: Ryan Harrington
Copy and Recipe Editor: Vivian Jao
Post Production Supervisor: Stephanie Cardone
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araujo

Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds

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One of the best videos I have watched. Everything she said conveyed useful information. She did not repeat herself over and over. Direct and to the point. Most of all great cooking advice.


I work in a group home on the weekend and I'm always looking for recipes to break up the monotony of what we serve for breakfast. I'm so grateful for this video, because poaching 12 eggs wouldn't have been possible using the cyclone method. I can't wait to try this tomorrow! I think our folks will love it! Update - they sure did love it! A couple of them even remembered their mothers making them poached eggs when they were small.


Went to culinary school, worked as a line cook for years and now I finally am able to make poached eggs after watching a YouTube video lol


Worked for me! Incredible! If your eggs don’t go white when sitting in the vinegar like in the video, don’t stress. I left mine for 15 mins and they were still very clear and then gently put in the water and it worked out fine. Beautiful poached eggs!


Hi, I came across your video last night, I just had to try this. This morning, I prepared scrambled egg for my dog and I then could not get your poached eggs out of my mind, so I made them to your instructions. You are my life saver, I have been trying to poach eggs for years, trying all different methods. I am forever grateful to you.


FINALLY a smart stress-free technique that works.


Not only is her information very helpful (I’m going to try the technique tonight), but her delivery is clear and precise. An outstanding cooking video!


They are the most perfect poached eggs I have ever seen. Chef Adrienne is a fantastic chef and an amazing teacher.


Seriously most useful video I've watched in a long time


OMG, I just tried this method and it’s perfection! The best poached egg I’ve ever been able to make. Pretty, perfectly cooked and just the right amount of ooze from the yolk.
Thank you for sharing!


The best way to poach an egg, is great planning. Plan your poaching when the farmer is away, or late at night. Then create a diversion for any dogs or security systems. If you are successful, you can take your poached eggs, and and fry them, or scramble them. The possibilities are endless. Happy poaching 😊


Incredible method!! After 10 years as a chef I thought I tried every way possible to poach eggs and this one is by far the best !! Tried it this morning it works flawlessly 10/10 thanks for this tip 🔥🔥🔥


I’m from London. Working in restaurants you don’t have time to do this. Not that this method is bad but I’ve poached 30 eggs in the same pot at a time and you don’t need to soak them if you’ve got enough white wine vinegar in your simmering water crack your eggs straight in, 3 minutes and you’re golden. Different strokes for different folks. Good video 👍🏽


Pro chef here for over 30 yrs, will try this!


OMG I just tried this and it works PERFECTLY!!! Beautiful eggs (I did four) with creamy yolks, all of Chef Adrienne's tips were useful guides, and it all made sense!!!

I keep imagining the meetings where they plan these videos and ask Adrienne, "so, what other secret chef tricks do you have to share?!" She's the best educator and explainer, so approachable and authentic (love the happy dances), with the experience and knowledge to back it up. MORE CHEF ADRIENNE VIDEOS PLEASE!!!


This may be one of the greatest videos. Informative, short, and giving a solution for some of the most frustrating cookery issues. Bravo.


amazing, just ate restaurant quality eggs, that i made myself.. who is this lady! wow thanks 🎉


I tried this and doing this and the vinegar bath... AND IT WORKED PERFECTLY... and I got the best poached eggs I've made. I did do 1 part water to 1 part vinegar and it did take a little longer than 10 min. If you want perfect poached eggs... do this. Adrienne... thank you... YOU ROCK!


What an excellent, fascinating and informative cooking presentation! Chef Adrienne Cheatham kept my interest up, with steps and instructions moving at a smooth, comfortable and upbeat entertaining pace without resorting to stretching things out to prolong the video like so many other "chefs" tend to do on YouTube.

Thanks for a wonderful video!


This works so well. I used the 50/50 water vinegar in small little bowls with one egg in each. Thanks so much for this tip!
