Adimanti Neformat by Ganzo (Skimen design) / Includes Disassembly

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Kevin Lewis JR
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:

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10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK

Knife sharpening service
Kevin Lewis JR
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:

Use discount code: LTK 5% off any knife

20% off Bastion Gear: use discount code LTK (one time use per customer)


I haven't bought this knife yet, but about ready to pull the trigger and get one ($28.95 on Amazon as of 06/14/2024). I think I'm going to really like the metal side on the handle as it appears it will make an easier, slicker pull from the pocket while still having the other "grippy" side. We'll see.

Despite having a different opinion on the handle, I really love this creator's knife reveiws. He's one of the best.


I always enjoy your reviews and disassemblies. This one no exception. However, I gotta say this Ganzo is one of my favorite “inexpensive” knives. D2 steel, strong frame lock, great action. What’s not to like. G10 on one side, stainless on the other. Hmmm, that’s exactly what (way more expensively) Zero Tolerance does.
I really like the blade design and the ergonomics. I have quite a few knives, Bestech, WE, RIke, Artisan Cutlery, Gerber, Kizylar Supreme, Microtech, Benchmade, to name a few. This is one of my favorites at any price. Just my opinion.




In 2024, they're $29.95, I'm definitely getting one in red.


I think this Ganzo is gorgeous and, unlike you, I really do like the two different scales. Doesn't seem over priced to me either. The knufe us a winner.


the Neformat can not be compared with all other Firebirds, I have almost all of them, an I like them. But the Neformat is better in finish in all small details, that requires much more time on the Cnc machine for the better finish.
And Skimen created a true EDC, that replaces many knives, I currently carry. Many details improved, that makes it finally the better EDC for many years.
Eg, the blade shape is also optimal for food prep. Many Ganzo FB are good but not perfect in finish and design details. I do not know Skimen, I just know, I carry pocket knives for food prep, all day use and hunting, and used knives all my long live every day. And I know, Skimen is a person, who created a knife, that is able to replace a lot of EDC folders. He just integrated all the good details of many knives in one new good one.


You know you are a true Ganzo fan when a $45 knife seems pricey


They're selling for $33 now. I have 5 of them. My new favorite model. Great knife.


Please--this is a particular design that some people like. Did you know Zero Tolerance has $300 frame-lock knives with metal on one side and CF or G-10 on the other? It's a very cool look--in fact it's why I got this knife (if I wanted a liner lock with g-10 on both sides, I have my pick of about 1, 000 different folders; I don't need another one to chose from). And this knife has extremely good reviews on Amazon--4.8 stars, and it's only $35 bucks now. This is a very well-made knife--if it were a Benchmade, Spyderco or ZT, they'd charge $250 plus for it. And BTW, I absolutely hate knives that have non-functional holes/openings in the blade--it screams "cheap Chinese" to me.


since ive been collecting. not very long but when i started 20$ knives where everywhere. now seem all the prices have gone up and 29$ is the new norm for the budget knives


Steel or titanium on one side and G10 on the other is simply a product of the framelock design, so you have to get over that, LTK! The full G10 is only available as a liner lock with a few exceptions that I'm aware of, such as the TwoSun TS162 where there is CF on both sides in a split style framelock. If you want the framelock then you're going to get metal on one side and whartever handle material on the other. I feel you're basically saying that you don't care for framelocks from a cosmetic perspective....


Some people like different designs...I think you may have been a little heavy handed on Ganzo it's not a step back just a different type of knife.


I just bought one yesterday (03/15/2023). Black G10 and carbon fiber were the only two available. Settled for the G10. So far I really like it.


That’s how mine closes at the end of the video . No blade play . Action seems better . Now it’s better 👍👍


I got the carbon fiber version. Totally worth the $40 for me.


I actually like the mixed scales, doesnt bother me at all, one of my favorite knives is a twosun with cf one side and ti on the other. Free spinning pivots on the other


As far as I'm aware this is the first time Ganzo has used a contracted designer (other than when they used to use non-in-house designs without consent) so I imagine the price increase is a result of needing to pay the designer. My Neformat came with typical Ganzo fall shut action. My FH12SS is the smoothest knife I own by far & it's literally 1/20th the price of some of the other knives in my collection.


love your reviews. this knife 28 bucks today at amazon in purple.


Before you make your mind about the knife, go and watch Ruslan’s video about back and forward with the knife design. Initially he planned to pit a better materials into the construction. Such as m390 still and titanium on the handle. That’s why there is a steel piece at the end of the spring. I ordered one just tu support designer’s knifes from ganzo.


May 2022 . Have had it for a week in carbon fiber . This is one of many I’ve bought in the last cpl weeks and it’s the best one imo for me . So smooth after break in . It’s like the nice quiet flipper room play with at night and it’s so smooth and easy to close. For the cheaper knives from China I like this one a lot and I like the eafengrow ef335 strider looking knife feels good in the hand and blade is awesome . This one tho, for edc, is a winner . I expected ot to have more attention after I got mine, it should . I like em a little bigger and I like the frame lock over a linerlock . This liner lock is easy to use for me anyways
