Diagnosing Dennis

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Oh. Cute. You put this video here and I’m suppose to be like “that looks like a good vid”


"Plus there's some weird semi-rapey subtext within these lines"

It's just the Implication! He wouldn't do anything if she said no! But she won't because of the Implication.


He just likes to bind, and to be bound.


If people who haven’t watched sunny saw this, they’d think sunny is a drama exploring the terrible people and what makes them bad, with hints of comedy. In reality it’s a comedy with hints of the other part.


They’re not “questionable” items in his car. They’re just his tools, no big deal really.


I just love the irony of one of the lowest budget *sitcoms* in TV history having some of the most profound and complex character development in tv history


"Of course not. Think of the smell. You haven't thought about the smell you bitch!" Is my favorite line from Dennis, psychopath or not


"Doesnt like dogs" is an indicator that his dream of being a vet isnt because he likes animals, but because he just wants to cut them up. Interestingly, harming animals is a trait seen in some serial killers- they start off with animals and work their way up to humans.


Regarding Dennis' weird outburst about dogs in the TV interview, I think it was actually a VERY subtle reference to an earlier episode. In the episode where Mac and Dennis move into the suburbs, Mac ends up killing their pet dog and tricking Dennis into eating it, which Dennis seems legitimately horrified by. Later, in the TV interview, Dennis makes a point about how there's nothing wrong with eating dogs and it's no different than eating any other animal. I think he was being defensive there, he probably developed that mindset as a way of justifying what he did in the suburbs episode. Just goes to show how much more deranged Dennis and the rest of the Gang have gotten over time as they constantly reinforce each other's worst traits and traumatize each other.


Dennis is definitely the most dysfunctional out of them all, he’s the character: that tries to act like the “normal one” but in the end, tends to be the most deluded too


My guess is that Frank is a sociopath, plus Dennis and Dee's mother was a narcissist. Presumably with Frank only around during Christmas to give them fake presents, Dennis and Dee's personalities primarily were shaped by the narcissistic mother. Dennis matured into a standard narcissist as the favored child, while Dee as the disfavored child became an inverted narcissist clinging onto Dennis due to her low self-esteem. The entire gang exists to provide Dennis with narcissistic supply so that within the gang Dennis gets to larp as the cool psychopathic mastermind he wants to be, but outside the gang Dennis is just a weird loser.


Dennis’s arc made him my favorite character, look i love Charlie and Mac but Glenn’s portrayal of a man completely slipping is incredible and terrifying


The twist about Dennis wanting to be a dad actually made sense because he's a huge narcissist. Narcissists see their children as extension of themselves. It's really common that when it's a baby and not someone with an identity and personhood, the narcissistic parent thinks that baby is amazing and can do no wrong. Dennis, who won't admit he's peaked, wants to live vicariously through the child. And since it's his child, he thinks it's going to be the next golden god.
But not surprisingly the novelty of having offspring wore off pretty quickly, since he's used to his lifestyle (and group dynamic) with the gang


I reckon (for some unknown reason) Dennis genuinely cares for Dee. You could pass the plane scene off as him lying, but when they were all about to drown in that boat, Dennis said he loved her and was genuinely hurt when she just shrugged it off lol.


He doesn't like dogs because his mother loved her Pomeranian than her fam


My friends in college always told me that I remind them of Dennis, someone told me that should be cause for concern and honestly I agreed; I definitely needed to find new friends. I mean, I cannot believe how incredibly ludicrous those “friends” were and I honestly have no idea why I wasted my time hanging out with those fools! I am way more handsome than Dennis and much smarter too. The only reason I hung out with those simpletons is because they worshiped the ground I walked on and did everything I told them to do and I mean, come on, why wouldn’t they? Such inane, asinine, wastes of space- I am nothing NOTHING like Dennis Okay!? NOTHING!


my psychology class did a little project where we diagnosed a fictional character and i chose dennis


"My cat just walked across my piano" Well you should of got some kitten mitten!


I disagree with fully disregarding BPD as a diagnosis because i think it is just one piece in the puzzle of Dennis's several personality disorders. It is actually incredibly common for people with personality disorders to have more than one of them, and it is very common for the PD's they do have to be from the same cluster, cluster A (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal) cluster B (borderline, histrionic, antisocial, narcissistic) and cluster C (avoidant, dependant, obsessive-compulsive). Dennis is a cluster B mishmash for sure. His fleeting interest with things and attachment issues (fear of abandonment, etc) and mood swings - especially the all or nothing nature of them, his addiction and impulsive behaviours, all point at least vaguely towards BPD. His entire existence just screams NPD, especially when you factor in his crippling insecurities, and the rest of the traits which are sorted into the medically defunct psychopathy bin could instead be sorted into the ASPD bin. His exaggeration of events could even garner him some points in the Histrionic category, and he may also qualify just because PD's in the same categories often have some or a lot of overlap with each other. obviously I'm not an expert but I am very mentally ill and got hyperfixated on researching personality disorders for a while as I was trying to prove to the psychiatrist that I didn't have BPD, so here's my two cents from that anyway


Glen would portray a perfect Ted Bundy
