Dr. Bill Ripple - A Scientist Warning the World

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Dr. Bill Ripple's decades of ecology research in the forests led him to many realizations. Chief among them was that humanity is exceeding the limits of the planet, destabilizing the biosphere, and courting a disaster for our own and all other species. He is the moving force behind the World Scientists' Warning to Humanity, and other peer-reviewed papers that the Alliance of World Scientists (AWS) has published. Thus, he is responsible for a remarkably strong 'wakeup call' to humanity.

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#ClimateEmergency #EcologicalCollapse #Overpopulation

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All the best for you, dear Sir, in your struggle. I admire your standing.


I understand that doom and gloom isn’t what the audience wants to hear but it needs to be said. The truth is more important than what we feel or what we want. please give us the truth and don’t hold back thank you.


I know I’m living on borrowed time having recently suffered a heart attack. Unfortunately, we all may be living on borrowed time as I think the earth itself is in the middle of a massive heart attack.


Where I live in North Carolina, I get the feeling that most people are pretending, acting like nothing is going on at all.


Stop talking about 2100; start talking about RIGHT NOW!


thanks for all your work Stuart. keep on keeping on.


Bill Ripple has a very important message for humankind; 1 I believe we're capable of understanding and hopefully excited to act on.


Bigfoot channels get a thousand more views, with a thousand times less evidence.

Of course, this is way scarier than Sasquatch! 🤨


Thank you doctors Ripple and Green for your calm, measured and instructive presentation which needs to be heard and understood by everyone everywhere.


One thing no one ever mentions is we must STOP GROWING. All of our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions will be moot if growth of our excessive population continues.
Our current way of life & population was made possible by our use of oil, coal & natural gas & as these decline, so will our energy intensive civilization. Oil dependent "renewable" technology cannot replace fossil resources.
Climate disruption is going to cause more crop failures & yet world "leaders" continue to push for ever more growth.
I do not see us reducing our dependence on fossil resources, population growth will push demand ever higher & when that demand can no longer be met?


I’m wondering if the only way we can have a rapid emergency response to this climate emergency is if scientists run for office on a broad scale and right away. I know this isn’t what they set out to do but for this time on planet earth we need people who fully grasp our planetary predicament. If there was a global effort to put scientists in positions of power then we might have a chance for a global coordinated effort, which is vital. This is the only revolution I can see happening. In my humble opinion very few non scientists grasp the reality of the climate crisis and there isn’t enough time to inform vast numbers of people or vast numbers of politicians. I can barely get my immediate family and peers to grasp what’s happening. There’s isn’t enough time to piss about, I’m sorry to say. Thanks for a great show by the way. Glad to see Stuart is going strong. ❤️


the big question is why should we humans be concerned. Do we really need all the other life on the planet in order to to survive? Is it our ignorance that blinds us from seeing our dependence on other living beings? What social changes would be necessary to save life?


Nature Bats Last.
Guy McPherson gives it to you straight.
He has been telling the truth about the situation for the past 20 years.


Keep up the great work you are doing Stuart!


Scientist have been ridiculously conservative The IPCC has been ridiculously conservative. every single prediction related to climate has turned out to be faster than predicted... scientist have been downplaying this from the beginning this guy has got his head in the clouds! Even now people aren't talking about the REALITY! 418 ppm Co2 ... Anyone remember 350.org?! We are so fucked! I'm glad this guy feels good about the wonderful response he has been receiving... Bravo! #TotallyFeckless


Is the document about writing the paper already filmed? I would be very interested, useful for a project I am included in at the moment.


If you have children, you should warn them if they are adults. If they are minors, prepare to shelter them from temperature extremes and food shortages.


Thank you, I appreciate your efforts!!!
Sadly we don't have much time, for people to understand, just how dire the situation!!

Be Well!!!


collapsing biodiversity, from insects to top predators; soil erosion, compaction and loss of fertility; marine plastic pollution bioaccumulating into food webs, climate change... perfect storm


Thanks Stuart for doing the intro, it’s always extremely valuable to hear your message
