Ranking all the inquisitors #shorts #starwars #ranking #powerlevel #inquisitor #starwarsedits

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I doubt anybody will actually read this, but here is my opinion. I will go in order and then rank them.

Grand Inquisitor held his own the best against Vader, and even though he was beaten, it is a better feat nonetheless than most of the other Inquisitors.

Second Sister was the rival of Cal Kestis. He was skilled, but not the most skilled fighter. Trilla also may be close to Cere, but not exactly to that level.

Third Sister held her own against Vader, yes, but Vader was toying with her. The difference is that Vader was trying to kill the Grand Inquisitor, thinking he was a Jedi. Even then, she had the biggest rivalry with, well, Owen.

Fourth Sister sucks. There is no other way around it. She was beaten by a hand full of rebels.

Fifth Brother is more of a brute. He held his own against Kanan, but was brutally beaten by Ahsoka and murdered by Maul.

Sixth Brother was a bit closer to Ahsoka's level, actually putting up a fight against her. This still isn't the biggest feat though especially since Ahsoka was unarmed.

Seventh Sister was a bit more above average. She rivaled and stood a really good chance against Ahsoka. She most definitely lasted longer against Maul than Fifth Brother did as well.

Eighth Brother is heavily underrated because of one small detail that everyone seems to miss. Holding his own against Kanan and Ahsoka combined is a good feat, but the dialogue shows an even greater feat in Rebels. He was the only Inquisitor skilled enough that Vader sent him specifically out to kill Maul. That is saying something.

Ninth Sister is a lot like Fifth Brother in the fact that she is a brute, but one key difference between the two would be that Ninth Sister can also think on her own. Even then, she was swiftly beaten by Cal.

Tenth Brother is a mixed bag. On one hand, he was obliterated by a bunch of Clones. On the other, he was able to fight against Mace Windu. He is also the only Jedi Master to become an Inquisitor.

The feats of the ten Inquisitors alone separate them quite distinctively. Largely, their feats in their duels do this.

Sixth Brother and Seventh Sister both held their own against Ahsoka even though they were beaten.

Eighth Brother held his own against both Kanan and Ahsoka and put up an even better fight before he was beaten, plus he was clearly skilled to be sent after Maul.

Fifth Brother, Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother, and Reva are all characters that are mixed with being meh and still holding their own against opponents, even though they all lose rather quickly.

Second Sister is a more higher ended Inquisitor, being closer to Fifth Brother, Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother, and Reva category, but still beating them out.

Fourth Sister just sucks.

And Grand Inquisitor is heavily underrated. I have also wanted to comment this, so this is finally my opportunity. Everyone talks about how Grand Inquisitor sucks. Well, Grand Inquisitor is one of my favorite characters, and therefore I have done plenty of research on him. Here is some information about him, other than the fact that he contended with Vader and Jocasta Nu.

Grand Inquisitor was specifically handpicked by Palpatine to become the Grand Inquisitor, just like Maul and Dooku, meaning he clearly saw potential in him. Before becoming Grand Inquisitor, he was a Temple Guard, a type of Jedi only someone with extreme skill could reach. When he became Grand Inquisitor, he learned EVERYTHING about all Jedi and Sith. That was the one thing he wanted promised by Palpatine. Now, for the big thing. Many people know Obi-Wan and Anakin are masters of a form of lightsaber combat. And some also know Palpatine is a master at every form. But did you know that Grand Inquisitor is one of the only few that is a Master of every form of Lightsaber combat? He is also the killer of high Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. He becomes the apprentice of Darth Vader. And most Jedi or Sith die and becomes ghosts, but Grand Inquisitor did not just become a ghost, he fully lived. His spirit actually lived on. He is SEVERELY underrated. Now, for the ranking. Using the clear lines split between the feats of these characters, we can rank them one bit at a time.

Clearly, number ten is the most obvious out of all of these, and that is going to go to Fourth Sister. She just sucks. The category of the average inquisitors would come next. The next spot would come down to Tenth Brother, Fifth Brother, Reva, Ninth Sister, and Sixth Brother. Before we eliminate by skill, Sixth Brother is clearly good in some eyes for holding his own against Ahsoka, but unless the new show coming up changes this, Sixth Brother lost to an unarmed opponent. She would go off next, but the next one is very close to him. Skill wise, any of these characters can hold their own, but there is one that sticks out the most of having no skill, and so the next spot would go to him. That person if Fifth Brother. He was no apparent skill other than being strong. From there, Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother, and Reva remain. Reva was fast and more agile, Tenth Brother was more experienced, and Ninth Sister was strong. When it comes down to looking at it like this, it appears that Ninth Sister would be a very close elimination to the next spot. Between Tenth Brother and Reva, Reva actually did accomplish becoming the leader of the Inquisitors temporarily. Other than that, these two are pretty close. So it would most likely go Tenth Brother then Reva. Just barely above this category, this is where we can place Second Sister. This leaves us with our top three. Seventh Sister does not have as much of a feat than Eighth Brother who is good enough to be sent after Maul or Grand Inquisitor for obvious reasons, so she would be a close next elimination. When it comes to the final two, it is obvious it would go Eighth Brother first then Grand Inquisitor.

Now that all of that is all out of the way, in my opinion, here would be my power rankings of the Inquisitors.

#10. Fourth Sister
#9. Sixth Brother
#8. Fifth Brother
#7. Ninth Sister
#6. Tenth Brother
#5. Third Sister
#4. Second Sister
#3. Seventh Sister
#2. Eighth Brother
#1. Grand Inquisitor


The Sixth Brother, the Ninth Sister, and then there’s Jerome over there. He’s depressed and joined the Inquisitorius for a quick buck


Actually, this is pretty good. I agree


And then me, 11th brother. I'm number 1


1.Grand Inquisitor
2.Tenth Brother
3.Third Sister
4.Second Sister
5.Seventh Sister
6.Fifth Brother
7.Eigth Brother
8.Ninth Sister
9.Fourth Sister
10.Sixth Brother
