Mastering Kubernetes API Security and Network Policies

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Learn to secure Kubernetes API, enforce network policies, and enhance cluster security for the CKS certification.

Kubernetes is the backbone of modern cloud-native applications, but securing its API and network communication is critical. In this course, you will learn how to protect your Kubernetes environment from unauthorized access, enforce security policies, and ensure encrypted communication between services.Course Content

Architecture of the Kubernetes Cluster

Understanding the Kubernetes architecture with examples

Working with Kubernetes

Roles of the Master Node

Components of the Control Plane (Master Node)

API Server



Controller Manager


Service Proxy

POD (Pod)

Container Engine (Docker, Containerd, or Rocket)

RBAC Policies for Securing Kubernetes API Access


Key components of RBAC

How RBAC works in Kubernetes API Access?

How Role and RoleBinding Work Together

Kubernetes Roles: Defining Permissions and Access

Permissions Granted by Kubernetes Roles

Create a role

Bind the Role to a User or Service Account

Hands-On Lab: Implementing RBAC in Kubernetes

Introduction to Scenario-Based RBAC Exercises

Set Up a VM for a Minikube Cluster

Set Up a K8s Minikube Cluster – Part 1

Set Up a K8s Minikube Cluster – Part 2

Set Up a K8s Minikube Cluster – Part 3

Start the K8s Minikube Cluster

Create a Namespace and Run a Pod

Client Authentication using SSL/TLS Certificates

Overview of Client Certificate Generation

Generate a Private Key

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Sign a CSR with Minikube's CA to Generate a User Certificate

Set Client Credentials in Kubernetes Config

Verify User Credentials in Kubernetes Config

RBAC: Role and RoleBinding

Create a Role

Verify the Role and Its Associated Permissions

Create a RoleBinding to Assign a User

Test RBAC Permissions

Expand RBAC Permissions to Manage Pods in a Namespace

Generate a Private Key and CSR

Generate a User Certificate by Signing CSR with Minikube CA

Set User Credentials in Kubernetes (K8s)

Create a Role with Specific Permissions

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Create a RoleBinding

RBAC Testing: Validate Permissions

Access the K8s Minikube Cluster as a User

List and Manage Kubernetes Contexts

Set Up a Kubernetes Context for a User

Verify RBAC Permissions in a New Context

Set Up a K8s Context for a Different User

Test RBAC Permissions for Pod Creation

Modify RBAC Role Permissions in K8s

Implement and Test Network Policies for Pod Communication

Introduction to Kubernetes Network Policies

Why Restrict Pod-To-Pod Communication?

Understanding K8s Network Policies and CNI Plugins

Example Use Case Scenarios

Hands-On Lab: Enforcing Pod-to-Pod Restrictions with Network Policies

Set Up a VM for a Kubernetes Cluster

Start Minikube with Cilium CNI

Deploy Two Pods and Assign Labels

Test Pod-to-Pod Connectivity with Curl

Create a Network Policy to Restrict Pod Communication

Verify Pod-to-Pod Connectivity is Blocked

Network Policy to Restrict Ingress and Egress Traffic

Configuring Network Policy for Selective Pod Communication

Overview of Selective Pod Communication

Network Policy for Selective Pod Communication

Test Pod Connectivity

Deploy a Pod and Verify Its Network Connectivity

Securing, Deploying, and Accessing Nginx in Kubernetes

Overview of Securing Nginx with HTTPS

Deploy and Expose a Nginx Pod to External Traffic

Access Nginx Web Server Through HTTP

Set Up Nginx on Host Machine for Accessing Nginx Pod

Access Nginx Web Server via Web Browser (HTTP Only)

Secure Nginx Server with HTTPS (TLS) on K8s Cluster

Deploy and Expose a Nginx Pod to External Traffic

Generate a self-signed TLS Certificate

Store the TLS Certificate as a Secret

Check Minikube’s Ingress Controller Status

Create Ingress Resource for HTTPS

Last lecture
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