Knowing God|7: The one-man nation! Finding light in complete darkness!

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We tell the story of a man in Arabia between prophets Jesus and Mohammed, peace be upon them. He was looking for the religion to worship the one God. But can a man find the truth in his heart even if no one would show him the way?
Knowing God|7: The one-man nation! Finding light in complete darkness!
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It's the story of a man who set out to find the truth even if he would have to worship God on his own.

Some people don't pursue the truth with the excuse that there are many alternatives, so, which one is the right one? and what is the guarantee that they will even find the truth about God at the end? And so they say, now we don't know, and there is no guarantee tomorrow that we will know, so seeking is as good as not, and hence we will not!

We ask the question: so, why do you pursue being a millionaire or even a billionaire while one the one in a thousand or ten thousand will make it?!! The answer is obvious: it is a matter or your will to find the truth, not the difficulty of actually finding it that determines whether you proceed or you stay.

Your "will" to find the truth is a matter of how much the truth actually matters to you!

In fact, God has given a pledge to guide those who set out to find Him, and has always fulfilled His promise. He not only gave this important promise, but even gave a much more important one: that if you die on the path to finding Him, with sincerity and truthfulness to the cause in you heart, He will accept you.

In the garden of God's Mercy and Grace, we explored the story of Zaid ibn Amr; a wonderful man in the age of darkness, a flower in the middle of barren land, and an oasis in the desert.

May Allah have mercy and blessings on his sole, and give us the strength to be like Him, looking for truth and standing by truth no matter what the price is!

PS: watch (Knowing God | 8) for more elaborate discussion of the matter of altenatives.


Please spell the full name of the main character in the story.
