Warlords of Draenor Pre-Purchase Character Boost Tutorial

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Interested in boosting more than one character to level 90 right away? In addition to the instant boost you get with your Warlords of Draenor pre-purchase, you also have the option of buying additional character boosts directly through the Shop in-game.
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Honestly I see this and good and bad. Bad; you get people who don't know anything about the game buying super high level characters. Bad; Now the lower content means a bit less, why should they have put all that work into revamping the old content?
Good; I can play with my friends at the high levels and new stuff immediately. Good; I don't have to level through the same content that I've seen so many times after playing for 5 years.
I think 60 dollars is a very reasonable price too for this. The amount of days you'd be putting in to level amounts to far more than paying 60 dollars and just boosting yourself.
Also I like to level.. I think it's the best part of the game. I was never much into end game content. It's much easier to quantify progress when there is an experience bar. Not a Rep bar or Item level.


I feel like roughly 45% of the people commenting didn't pay attention at all to this video. But it helped me understand the character boost a bit more. Also, $60 is ballsy for a price tag, but then again it's a good way to keep EVERYONE from just boosting. Balance.


can't wait to use it on my lvl 89


Wow, now there's nothing more special to be level 90. I remember the old times where it was really difficult to level up to lvl 60.. Today you're getting help from everywhere, leveling is easier than ever before, and you can even pay to get lvl 90. You can not be proud of yourself if you own a high level, because every little child could make it too. What happend to World of Warcraft..? Sorry but that is my opinion, and sorry for bad english I'm from Germany.


This is great, i stop playing some time ago and didnt wanted go back because the lvling process takes to long and i wanted to play a new class not my old one, enjoying it, thanks blizzard


I support this idea, I have 9 90s and I don't like releveling the same areas and *shudders* Outlands...


I love this idea because i don't have a lot of time to play wow to be on the same level as my friends this is great. Right now i am at level 85 this level boost will help a lot.


I don't know what's more heart-rending. A game I used to love turning into the biggest abomination of an MMO, shamelessly trying to milk out every last penny of its players, or the fact that people are actually supporting this money grab? Every time I think of the good times I had and consider coming back, Blizzard pulls a stunt like this one. Everything that made this game good is gone. The exploration, the feeling of living in an enormous world, the encounters with other players, friends or enemies, the slow but steady sense of progression. Nothing left. Yeah, let's just all rush into the routine of dailies, farming for epics, idling in Stormwind and occasional raiding. Sounds like a great idea.


If it concerns anybody, the 483 gear they give you is armor which is obtained in the Dread Wastes. You cannot sell it.


i dont understand the reason behind this approach. basically if the game wasnt any easier. you guys are making it EASIER.
pat to play seems like to future of blizz.
good job guys throw away all of the precious expansions content.


I'm so hyped for warlords of Draenor! I've preorder the digital warlords of Draenor so after I install it I'm playing


blizzard's way of saying: screw pandaria if you didn't played.


inb4 "hurr pay2win"

You aren't buying gear, it's just bypassing the leveling system that most of us have done countless times. As they say the real game starts at max level, and you will still have to work just as hard for raid gear.


I got mine with the upgrade and used it on a Warrior, now that I know I can purchase one for my Mage I'm really happy!!


Cameron Correa  YES you can get the lvl 90 boost if  you purchace the expansion from a store. If you buy the  dvd-disk from your local gameshop you will get the instant 90boost aswell!


Speaking as a gamer, this is the most bullshit thing I have ever seen. Speaking as a human, I understand why some people may like it. Speaking as an optimist, at least it will stop morons getting scammed by buying accounts.


I remember the epic raids and epic world pvp with epic scenery in TBC. And now this happens?


im glad for this, I hate the leveling grind from level 1 to max. Its not bad when you are maxed and then leveling to a new cap with a new expansion but to keep grinding through all that old content gets boring and stale fast. game doesnt get good until you reach current content anyways.


They realised this an hour after I got to 89 ? ....


Why is everyone bitching?
If you don't like the boosts, simply don't use them!
