Sharding and Scaling PostgreSQL: Principles and Practice Webinar

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Recording of the webinar "Sharding and Scaling PostgreSQL: Principles and Practice" webinar presented by Jason Petersen, Citus Data software engineer, on April 29, 2015.

Webinar Description:

The road to a truly scalable datastore is a long one, but with a few key principles you can avoid common mistakes that will limit the future capability of the systems you build. To make horizontal scaling easier, Citus Data developed pg_shard, an open-source extension that manages the placement, distribution, and replication of sharded database tables.

As a standalone extension, pg_shard addresses many NoSQL use cases and enables real-time analytics for targeted queries. For users who need complex full-cluster queries and JOINs, it provides an easy upgrade path to CitusDB. The extension maintains full compatibility with the standard PostgreSQL tool set, types, indexes, and semi-structured data types.

By the end of this webinar, you will be familiar with the core principles of database scaling. In addition, we will cover the features and functionality of pg_shard by presenting use cases where it is being successfully used in production environments today.
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