Stefan Rahmstorf: Climate Change and Arctic Tipping Points - Full Presentation

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Stefan Rahmstorf, Professor and Head of Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research spoke about Climate Change and Arctic Tipping Points in a Plenary Session during the #ArcticCircle2019 Assembly.



The Arctic Circle


Arctic Circle is the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic. It is an open democratic platform with participation from governments, organisations, corporations, universities, think-tanks, environmental associations, indigenous communities, concerned citizens, and others interested in the development of the Arctic and its consequences for the future of the globe. It is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organisation.
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This should have millions of views. Thank you so much for your important work.


Thank you for publishing this lecture.


thanks also for enlarging the graphics.
PIK is excellent.


I am not shocked that only few persons compared to numbers of people who have the chance to watch something on YouTube, am not shocked that only few persons are watching this or care about such a dangerous topic which is climate changing, I am a Syrian psychiatric nurse, some scientists says that the climate change is the invisible player in Syria ongoing civil war !


I am not shocked that only few persons compared to numbers of people who have the chance to watch something on YouTube, am not shocked that only few persons are watching this or care about such a dangerous topic which is climate changing, I was a Syrian psychiatric nurse, and I have just lost my job as a shoes wholesaler in Istanbul, I am the only one who works in my family to provide my old parents, and grandma with money for food, and medicine, since they still in Syria/ Afrin, even though I care about our planet, some scientists says that the climate change is the invisible player in Syria ongoing civil war !


And people use Rahmstorf to deny climate change. Great video.


Dear Stefan, did you already found the cause of a Dansgaard-Oeschger event? I think the tipping point is not sea-ice, but SOLID sea-ice. It's a big difference.


Question: Could the Gulf Stream ever break circulation into the north? Reasons- Lack of ice packs reducing flow, Lack of colder water missing from Greenland ice shield allowing the warm water to travel north, water settling at the equator from the meltwater slowing the earth rotation, and the figure skater effect reduced pushing north and south help in pulling the flow like a hose draining tub water from the shallower Atlantic into the deeper Pacific. Thus warming the north more like the past when animals from archaeological digs had warmer climate flowers found in their stomachs. So the next thing is to always follow the money. Where are we pumping oil and gas in the north, Newfoundland, north of England, Norway, Russian north which right now is already ice-free, north Alaska things grew here. Given the earth did not flip I would suggest the jet stream gave an energy of growth in the past. China and Japan have little oil reserves so the Jet Stream flowed down North America giving the water energy to help flood the Mid-Western States and the oil gas reserves from Alberta to Texas. Does this make any sense?


One of the PIK propaganda scientists...and he go surfing in Australia and skiing in the Alps in holiday .
