SECRETS To Longevity: How To Actually Age Well & The Truth About Reversing Age | Charles Brenner

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Charles Brenner, PhD is the chair of the new Department of Diabetes & Cancer Metabolism at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope National Medical Center. He is a major contributor to work on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) metabolism.


00:00 Are Any Humans Experts at Longevity?
01:40 Why Humans Live Longer Than Most Primates
10:33 Biggest Misconceptions in the Anti-Ageing World
14:12 The Pitfalls of Caloric Restriction Studies
20:56 Thoughts on Protein Consumption
28:47 Responding to Netflix’s ‘The Blue Zone’
32:01 Is There Value in Supplementation?
38:06 Can You Safely Drink Alcohol?
39:28 Is Nicotine Good for the Brain?
43:43 Most Reliable Biomarkers of Ageing
46:45 How to Start Ageing Healthier
52:20 Exercising for Longevity
55:18 Debunking Longevity Myths
1:00:40 Where to Find Charles
1:00:59 Living a Genius Life


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@greensmoothieparty. Thank you for posting this. It is very helpful and kudos to your mom. Conquer aging or die trying is a great channel!


What about the UCLA/Stanford TRIM Study - that reversed epigenetic aging in a small clinical trial regarding humans? After positive results, they have moved to Page 2 as an FDA-registered trial.


I’m 48. Started my menopause symptoms 1 &1/2 yrs ago. I did my research and encountered David Sinclair and health benefits with NMN and I also started reading about benefits of fresh soy milk. I’ve been taking NMN, sirtuin 6, glynac, spermidine and mobility T for bone that has tumeric, MsM, bromelyn in it and other stuffs like glucosamine and I still have my regular periods with no symptoms of hot flashes. I’m a nurse and I still work 12 hrs 3-4 times a week in emergency department. I’ve been taking other vitamins like d3, mag, k2, collagen, omega for a while. I just started adding the Do not age supplements in winter of 2022 when I started being forgetful and get tired easily. My supplements regiments are very helpful! I never dye my black thick hair, my eye sights improved I added leuthin, astaxantin, ziasantin. I stopped using reading glasses. Ppl and my patients thinks I’m only 33 0r 35 no Wrinkles. I added moringa and mushrooms supplements. Now a days most vegetables and good has pesticides and the growing cancer are increasing esp among you ppl. Not like before where my mom stayed home and always cook organic food from the scratch now a days most everyone has to work to catch up with inflations. Taking extra supplements
And helps a little and I’ve been doing it for 2 years and it’s a life changing experience for me.


Naturally occurring amino acids, Taurine and Cysteine, appear to extend life (in mouse studies at least) and I feel great taking them. NR just burned a whole in my wallet for zero return. This interview didn't really resonate from my personal experience, but thanks for your efforts Max ✌️


What study supports his claim that NR can help with recovery from musculoskeletal injuries?


How about some serious vids about Apeel Dangers/ including the heavy metals as well as what happened to Braggs? All kinds of content and who to believe. Even EWG has no mention on this - I did contact them about it


Can you please invite #DavidSINCLAIR to your podcast... for an interview ..esp on NAD+/NMN

also #PeterAttia


This channel is big enough for time stamps.


He seems a little behind the times. I could have listened to the same info ten years ago. Have you studied peptides? No, I haven’t paid much attention… 🤔


Not impressed. The guy says "right?" WAY too much. He said that he hasn't evaluated CoQ10 being reduced with statin use. He clearly has not heard of the mevalonate pathway. He should read a high school biology text book.
AND butter and saturated fat are not going to kill you.


This researcher promotes good food, exercise and sleep for health - this not new and all agree on that are into research on aging. All other items like drugs and supplements are not proven according to Brenner. But there is only one he loves and that is his business related compound of NR. But this NR is one of most controversial - this if any real benefits and too maybe some harm. And the 3 site ITP labs found that NR did nothing for mice on extending life span. Yes this is mice and not humans but of several dozen compounds tested in ITP studies they did find several successful in mice. But Brenner not liking any success compounds but only the NR one not successful that he is invested in for profit. This Brenner reminds me of the money mainly snake oil salesman David Sinclair.


Bummer... The purple potato comment sealed the deal. We need truth dude. Words are important. I would hate to dismiss your words just because you are not truthful in the most simple topic. Kind of a drag..
But try again.. you obviously have something to offer.


So Sinclair and all the others are doing a lot of time consuming and expensive research for nothing?
