15 Beginners Tips And Tricks Pokémon Scarlet And Violet DOESN'T TELL YOU

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Pokemon Scarlet/Violet are massive games. I mean even for Pokemon, a franchise known for inundating players with excess, these games go above and beyond. Featuring a massive open world map, populated with hundreds of Pokemon to encounter and catch, three separate main campaigns to follow (each with multiple chapters), a smattering of different biomes and maps, items to find and craft, and dozens of intermeshing systems and mechanics coming together to interact in all sorts of unexpected ways, it can honestly feel a but overwhelming just how much there is to do in these games - particularly since for a lot of this stuff, the game doesn’t properly explain it to you (or does so in optional, skippable content).
So! If you are starting out Pokemon Scarlet or Violet, here are a few handy tips to have on, uh, hand. Whether you’re a returning veteran of the series, a first timer, or a lapsed player coming back after a long break, these should help you get your bearings as you set out in the massive world of Paldea.
So! If you are starting out Pokemon Scarlet or Violet, here are a few handy tips to have on, uh, hand. Whether you’re a returning veteran of the series, a first timer, or a lapsed player coming back after a long break, these should help you get your bearings as you set out in the massive world of Paldea.