04-bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad (3rd chapter, 2nd brāhmana, 13th mantra)

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04-bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad (3rd chapter, 2nd brāhmana, 13th mantra)
August 27, 2021
1. याज्ञवल्क्य, इति ह उवाच – यत्र अस्य पुरुषस्य मृतस्य अग्निं वाग् अप्येति , वातं प्राण:, चक्षु: आदित्यं, मन: चन्द्रं, दिशः श्रोत्रं, पृथिवीं शरीरम् , आकाशम् आत्मा , ओषधी: लोमानि, वनस्पतीन् केशा: , अप्सु लोहितं रेतः च निधीयते, क्व अयं तदा पुरुषो भवति – इति ।
‘Yājnavalkya,’ said he (Jāratkārava Ᾱrtabhāga), ‘when the speech (voice) of this dead person enters fire, the breath into air, the eye into the sun, the mind into the moon, hearing into the quarters, the self into the ether, the hairs of the body into the herbs, the hairs of the head into the trees, and the blood and the semen are deposited in water, what then becomes of this person?
2. आहर, सोम्य, हस्तम् , आर्तभाग । आवामेव एतस्य वेदिष्याव: , न नौ एतत् सजने – इति ।
‘Ᾱrtabhāga, my dear, take my hand. We two alone shall know of this, this is not for us two (to speak of) in public.’
3. तौ ह उत्क्रम्य मन्त्रयाञ्चक्राते, तौ ह यद् ऊचतुः , कर्म ह एव एतद् ऊचतु: । अथ यत् प्रशशंसतुः, कर्म ह एव एतत् प्रशशंसतुः । पुण्यो वै पुण्येन कर्मणा भवति, पापः पापेन इति ।
The two went away and deliberated. What they said was ‘karma’ and what they praised was ‘karma’. Verily one becomes good by good action, bad by bad action.
4. ततो ह जारत्कारव: आर्तभाग: उपरराम ॥ १३ ॥
Therefore, Ᾱrtabhāga of the line of Jaratkāru kept silent.
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