Getting started with ESG reporting, metrics and measurements

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In today's video, you'll learn ESG reporting, metrics and measurement techniques. We chat with ESG expert Dave Stangis and explore how to get started, what are ESG indicators and ratings, as well as how often to review your ESG programs. We also discuss if and why ESG indicators correlate to higher financial returns.

Timestamp of our discussion:
0:00 - Intro
1:13 - How to start tracking, measuring and refining ESG programs?
4:11 - How to measure the "Governance" side of ESG? What about advanced metrics?
7:49 - What are the ESG indicators?
11:08 - How often should you review your ESG indicators?
13:06 - What are the ESG ratings?
16:19 - Where should company's start their ESG journey?
20:04 - Are there certain ESG indicators correlated with higher financial/business returns?

Watch Part 1 of our discussion on ESG:

Connect with Dave Stangis:
Twitter: @davestangis

Learn from other social impact and CSR influencers:

Prefer to read? Here's what's we discussed:

#ESG #environmentalsocialgovernance #socialimpact

Рекомендации по теме

How are you measuring your ESG programs? How did you get started and what indicators are you using?


I wonder if bud light has ever tried to improve their esg score?


ESG is the trojan horse for social credit systems.


step 1 - realize it is a SCAM

a PRIVATE COMPANY DECIDING what is PUBLIC GOOD. not hard to draw conclusions from that fact.


Really helpful video, we appreciate the effort made during this video.


5:47 - what the heck are 'cultural ratios'? How are they even measured?


Think those who died in a submarine incident were against ESG?


Metric 1: how much time are my staff already wasting on meetings, surveys and "HR initiatives"


Any businessman that don’t want to fail should stay as far away as they can from ESG and look for alternative places to get a lone because ESG will destroy your business!
Things are simple, you hire the best person for the job regardless of sex or oder non job related characteristics, you make a contract with a waist disposal company thing that are anyway heavily regulated and the most important you trie to give you’re costumers the best service or product at the lowest price possible without pandering, telling them there bad people because they have les melanin, you don’t change things they love you don’t push for socialism, censorship, defunding the police, you don’t donate money to rioters, terrorises organisation and you’ll be fine!


The question on ratings was dodged. How are the ratings arrived at - what specifically do the ratings agencies look at to ensure they are being consistent when calculating the scores?

It seems incredibly subjective to me when there are no compulsory reporting metrics, how can you know what a business may be hiding and what it is publishing purely to boost the score?



Is this like a corporate credit score?


esg elites slimey grift ask sri lanka and the dutch farmers how esg is going


Correlation does not imply causation. The fact that Companies that have implemented more ESG programs have also preformed better financially is not necessarily a direct result of their implementation of ESG programs. The correlation could just be a consequence of the fact that only better performing companies have the additional resources to spend on as many ESG initiatives.

There are of course indirect financial gains that obviously come from this. For example, there are companies that already have more resources to create a bunch of initiatives to increase their ESG score. Then they are able to security more capital at better rates relative to their competitors. So I can see why big companies really embraced all this stuff as they can use various Woke Guilt projects to shame their competitors out of being able to attain the capital financing they need in order to sustain their buisness.


I seem to recall that Sri Lanka had an excellent ESG score right up to the point where the country was nearly bankrupt and its leaders had to run for their lives.


Hey guys - I'm an academic (post-doc in Env Sci & Sustainability) transitioning into industry, so it was v. interesting hearing Dave's thoughts. Took a glance at the comments (wow), and it's clear that there seems to be a mistrust of ESG, i'd love to see a video/discussion on this :)


Thanks for spending the time to create and share this content ✅


Please help me with this question. If my company wants to start with ESG I would pick the number of and kind of metrics my self?! I would also pick what I disclose? And based on that score Investors than can invest in my company if they so choose to use my ESG score as a indicator of my companies health?!


great place to start. this video was very insightful


I cant wait tell the the political opponents of the creators of the ESG get to decide what the S and G stand for. I wonder if it will be praised then.


Fantastic ESG content. Couldn't find such a comprehensive video elsewhere. Thanks for posting!!
